Greece, Athens: Anarchists attack cops outside parliament & burn TV van

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In London on Saturday 11th July the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) hosted a public meeting attended by around 1000 people with a member of Syriza’s Central Committee.

Driven by a rejection of the SWP’s Patriarchal rape apologist authoritarian politics and to make clear to Syriza that the imprisonment of fellow Revolutionary Combatants will not go peacefully no matter what place of the world  they run to, a small group of Anarchist co-conspirators made the decision to disrupt the meeting.

We successfully made it through their lines of burly ‘minders’  to reach the stage, where we unfurled a banner stating ‘Solidarity with Imprisoned Anarchists, not Syriza’ and chanted anti-prison slogans.

During our escape we were viciously attacked, one comrade had their hair pulled,  the banner was stolen, we received death threats, compared to Nazis, there was damage to clothing etc.

This level of violence was unexpected, but revealed the Authoritarian nature of the SWP.  Members of the crowd  objected to the violence enacted on us, and hopefully this will make evident to them what kind of organisation the SWP is.

Fire to the Prisons!
No Peace for Syriza while our Comrades rot in their jails!
For Social Revolution and a People in Arms!

Insurrection News