Anarşi İnisiyatifi / Anarchy Initiative Call for Worldwide Solidarity Demonstrations Against the Turkish State July 26, 2015


Turkish-based anarchist group Anarşi İnisiyatifi (Anarchy Initiative) are calling on the global anarchist community to hold worldwide demonstrations outside Turkish consulates on July 26, 2015 at 7PM in response to the government of Turkey’s complicity in the Suruç, Massacre. 32 young people were murdered in the suicide bombing committed by the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) including 2 anarchist comrades: Alper Sapan from Anarşi İnisiyatifi Eskişehir and Evrim Deniz Erol. The 32 comrades from various socialist, communist and anarchist youth groups were planning to cross the border from Turkey / North Kurdistan into Kobane in Rojava to deliver gifts for the war-affected children of the city and to participate in the reconstruction of war-ravaged Kobane.

“In 20 July 2015, (at least 32) people, some of our anarchist comrades, who went to Suruc for reconstruction of Kobane were killed by an ISIS suicide bomber. Turkish Republic still continues to support ISIS underhand. We will maintain our fight with all our strength to block all their paths.

Our call to the world anarchists:
26 July 2015, at 7PM for enlarging our anger and rebellion in front of consulates of Republic of Turkey where you live! In Solidarity with!
Anarchy Intitiative.”

(via Anarchy In Istanbul)