Statement by Anarchist Grigoris Tsironis concerning the referendum on July 5th (Greece)


The masks have fallen over the past five years and capital is now showing its true face. The people are dealing with a brutal attack by domestic and foreign capital and its spokesmen. Each collaborationist government willingly enforces austerity programs on the people, signing one memorandum after another in its desperate attempt to remain in power and hold on to its privileges unharmed.

The result of these policies is that we have been led to unemployment, poverty and wretchedness. Tomorrow the people are called to the ballots to give an answer to the blackmailing ultimatums of international financial capital once and for all. They have been called to decide if they will bow their heads and accept one more agreement which will make plutocracy rub its hands [in glee] or will raise their voices, stand tall and say NO to their further subjugation and wretchedness. In order to avoid such a prospect the slugs of the Media of Mass Deception carry out unprecedented propaganda and attempts at terrorizing daily, thus serving the interests of their capitalist bosses.

As an anti-authoritarian I of course do not have any illusions that social emancipation will come through governmental referendums, elections and giving authority to nation-fathers no matter what area they come from, but through mass struggles in the streets and the development of structures of solidarity, self-management and self-organization. Despite all this, I believe that in a country with a great fighting tradition it is our duty to resist and give the domestic and foreign capitalists a small example that the people are now willing to take their lives in their own hands, so that they themselves can decide about their future and not succumb to ultimatums and blackmail that mortgage their hopes and dreams.

The time has come for the people to believe in their strength and promote their dignity.

To say:
NO to subjugation,
NO to blackmail,
NO to the proposition of international usurers and their domestic collaborators,
NO to any left memorandum
And a big YES to solidarity and the struggle of the people.


Grigoris Tsironis
Trikala prisons

Ttanslated by Act for freedom now!