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Monthly Archives: August 2015
Le forze di sicurezza uccidono un giovane a Silvan
Mentre i soldati continuano a terrorizzare la popolazione a Silvan distretto di Diyarbakir,dove è stato dichiarato un coprifuoco a tempo indeterminato,le forze di sicurezza hanno ucciso un giovane quando hanno aperto il fuoco a caso nel distretto.
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[Galiza] Cartaz en solidariedade cxs presxs anarquistxs e antiautoritarixs
Adxuntamos este cartaz en solidariedade cxs presxs anarquistas e antiautoritarixs no marco da semana de solidariedade internacional cxs presxs anarquistas do 23 ao 30 de agosto para quen queira difundir.
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Sábado 22 de Agosto / Los anarquistas de la región uruguaya en la revolucíón española (1936-1939).
Fanzine: Sante Geronimo Caserio La Idea No Muere
Nota: Pequeño folleto repartido durante la Actividad “Mi Memoria un Puñal”. El fanzine en cuestión fue editado el año pasado, al cumplirse 120 años de la Muerte en Combate del compañero.
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CHRONIK – widerständische momente festgehalten
This website is an attempt to cover, publicise and translate any reported direct action from Germany apart from the mass-media mediation game. It aims to provide an open database and resource system about any confrontative, direct action against State and Capital, as against its various agents.
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Κύπρος : 22 και 23 Αυγούστου – Antifa League Cyprus #3
Το Antifa League Cyprus έρχεται και φέτος για τρίτη χρονιά, μια αυθόρμητη πρωτοβουλία που ήρθε για να μείνει.
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Chile: Reflections From Some Comrades…Please Share Widely
Insurrection News received on 11.08.15 and translated:
About the recent arrests following the street clashes .As is known, in recent months there have been a series of arrests of juveniles accused of participating in riots and clashes with the repressive forces during actions carried out by encapuchados (hooded ones) outside universities. Some of them now remain in various regimes of imprisonment, from house arrest to remand.
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[Bâle, Suisse] Ni frontières ni nations. Sabotons ‘CONEX15′
Du 16 au 25 septembre 2015 aura lieu à Bâle et au nord-ouest de la Suisse un exercice militaire fédéral du nom de “CONEX15″. Durant cet exercice, un contrôle militaire réel aura lieu dans des points névralgiques tels que la gare, les frontières ou le port. Le scénario est basé sur une situation post-crasheuropéenne où la Suisse, seul îlôt préservé de la crise mondiale, doit se protéger contre et envers tous, notamment les migrant.e.s et les ennemi.e.s intérieurs.
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Bordered London: Agencies & companies involved in the detention & deportation machine
Thousands of migrants are illegalised, locked up and forcibly deported every year for doing what people have done for thousands of years: moving in search of a better life, fleeing wars, persecution, discrimination, abuse and so on. Their lives are made miserable by discriminatory policies devised by unscrupulous decision makers and private companies that make vast profits from their suffering. From immigration prisons, reporting centres, to government and corporate offices, this map is intended to illustrate how the border regime in London and the surrounding areas works.
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