20151018.Gleisblockade     20151017_063152

Today, we‘re having a party on the Hambachbahn! Come join us! You can contact the press team by dialing (+49)15780831914.


3:33 pm There are 7 police vans at the train station in Buir. They are asking people for their identities

02:14 pm One person has been released out of custody. About 10 supporters are at the cop station in Aachen. Come and show solidarity!

01:50 pm Cops are asking people for their identity in/around Buir. They claim to be allowed to this because the people they‘re controlling aren‘t German citizens. Be careful!

01:04 pm 2 police cars are observing the meadow

12:22 pm The 26 people have been brought to Aachen!
Come around! Be loud!
The cops have meanwhile left the meadow
12:11 pm police cars (with cops in them ) are observing the meadow. Some police vans are on their way direction Morschenich, a nearby village

11:50 am All together 26 persons have been arrested

11:23 am According to the WDR, a German news station, all locked-on people have been evicted

11:15 am The third locked-on person has just been evicted

11:00 am According to the police the arrested peeps are being brought to the police station in Aachen

10:59 am Another locked-on person has been evicted

10:36 am One of the locked-on persons has been evicted

09:45 am The technical Team expressed their displeasure that the lock-ons are so easy to open. The cop Berghauer told the contact person of the lock-ed ones that no one should be scared of the approaching train – it will stop before them.

At the moment 3 people are locked to the tracks with D-locks and will be evicted first. 4 others are locked in pairs in tubes.

09:35 am the Technical Team of the Bastards reached the blocade and is prepearing for eviction.

09:17 am Except for four persons all not locked persons are evicted by cops and brought away in police vans.

08:41 am Some people are gathering at the side of the bridge. They are asked to leave this space by the police with the explanation, that ’spectators trafic‘ is not wanted. In addition to this, the police has arrested one person because they apparently have not obeyed the order to stay off the terrain. The person is currently being brought to the police station in Aachen.

08:12 am About 20 cops are going towards the train tracks. The eviction could start soon. According to the cops one person has been taken into custody.

07:51 am The press has now sucessfully been forced by the cops to leave the tracks. 11 cops are on the tracks now. The activists are still having a good time though.

07:47 am The cops are talking about an eviction. Quote from a cop: „We gotta beat them up on their way over the guardrail“

07:44 am Cops and Securities are trying to sent the press people away from the tracks.

07:31 am Two people were sent off the bridge by the cops. They‘re not allowed to enter the bridge again within the next 24 hours. The cops stole a chocolate bar from them!

07:09am A person standing on the bridge was harassed by the cops. They also took their identity and told them, without reason, not to throw object from the bridge. The cops are present, but are leaving the occupation alone. They are searching for smaller groups in the area to harass them and find out their identity. Be careful! It is probably hard to join the occupation now.

06:58 am Now it’s about 20-25 cops on the tracks. People are singing songs about resistance against lignite mining. They sing songs of Mona & Hummel, Rover and other artists of the lignite mining-resistance

06:51 am Now it’s about 7 police vans of whom 2 are patrolling at the locks a bit farther away from the blockade. There’s also security around. Take care!

06:48 am 5 police vans are around now. 15 riot cops are at the tracks. Six people are locked down. There’s a sitting blockade forming around a locked persyn.

06:24 am All cops have left the tracks now. Some press is doing an interview with people on the tracks.

06:18 am The 8 cops left, 4 other cops went to the tracks. 3 police vans are around. The activists are singing and are having a good time. They‘re filmed by a growing amount of press people who gathered on the bridge as well as close to the tracks.

06:08 am Press and police arrived. 8 cops walked around the tracks and are now standing next to it. Chants are shouted. More cops are probably on their way.

05:40 am About 20 acitvists arrived at the Hambachbahn close to the train station in Buir. The traffic lights for the trains are red. People are locked down to the railway tracks. As far as we know, no incidents have happened so far.


WDR Tagebaugegner blockieren Hambachbahn
rp online Braunkohle-Demonstranten ketten sich an Gleise
rundschau online/KStA Betrieb blockiert: Tagebaugegner ketten sich an Gleise der Hambachbahn
radioerft Besetzung beendet


[16/10/2015] Statement from the Hambacher Forst Besetzung:

“Once more an excavator was occupied”

“Once again three activists occupied a giant coal excavator at the Hambach mine. This way, the coal mining is stopped, in order to directly counteract the destruction it causes here locally by digging away entire villages and landscapes, as well as the world wide destruction caused by climate change.

The action was also a statement of solidarity to our friend in jail and a foretaste of the action on Saturday [mass blockade of the Hambach coal rail way]. We want to make clear that we will not be intimidated and that our resistance will not be broken if you put even more of us behind bars. That way you make us just angrier and more determined! Whether last night, on Saturday or when you least expect it: We will keep coming back to stop your machinery until they are silent once and for all!

We call upon all, who care a little for the future of this planet, to come to the skill sharing Camp on Saturday and celebrate a party with us on the Hambach railway!”



german french

