Police attacked, vehicle in flames, clashes and arrests in London 5 Nov demo (UK)


Thousands of angry demonstrators, a riotous carnival atmosphere and edgy embattled police lead to scenes of disorder and chaos in London last night as the Million Mask March called by Anonymous took place in Westminster. 50 people were arrested by cops on various charges related to the demo, including 3 men who were accused of carrying knives, lock picks, gas canisters, plus smoke and paint grenades; they remain imprisoned at this time.

Several police were injured, although only slightly, including a police horse. Fireworks were used to great effect against the police horses, causing them to startle and flee from the line, one police officer was thrown from his horse and injured in a fight with demonstrators outside Buckingham Palace.

A police car on Queen Anne’s Gate, near the Ministry of Justice was burned, as roving breakaway groups of anarchists and activists spread the chaos across the elite districts of power.

They should have expected us.

Never forgive – Never forget.
