—We claim responsibility for incendiary attacks against four banks in the city of São Paulo. The attacks occurred at the Santander bank branches in Largo da Batata, another in the Liberdade area, and the other two in the central region and in a peripheral region.—
The “Carlo Giuliani” cell of the Anarchist Insurgent Movement (M.I.A.) assumes responsibility for the four incendiary attacks that consumed bank branches in the early hours of November 15th 2015 in the central region of the city of São Paulo.
On November 15th the proclamation of the republic is “commemorated”, within large and ironic quotation marks. We have this fetish of commemorating historical dates and personages that remind our massacres and subservience. We do not commemorate the insurgencies of slaves or the Canudos Insurrection, nor do we celebrate the epic past of Marighella, Zumbi, João Cândido, Jesuíno Brilhante, Olga [Benário], or Espirtirina Martins. Going against logic, we buy the canned historical version, told by the winners who still continue to dominate us.
The fetid and corrupt monarchy that parasitised Brazil, deposed after the proclamation of the republic, does not differ in absolutely anything from the elite which nowadays parasitises the so admired democratic republic. Bankers, lobbyists, politicians, corporatists, CEOs, speculators and landlords, all worms that accumulate innumerable richness at the expense of others’ sweat.
Republic, presidentialism, monarchy, or even social democracy. There is no alternative to capitalism that is more “humanised” because the problem is capitalism itself. We will be oppressed and exploited as long as there are capitalism, social classes and exploitation of human by human.
Do not believe in magical solutions proposed by demagogues and opportunists. There is no alternative to the capitalist crisis that looms large on the horizon. Impeachment, coup, elections or any other palliative do not solve the structural problems that the Brazilian State presents. Only the autonomous, free and revolutionary organisation of male workers, female workers and youth can guarantee the construction of a new society towards complete freedom.
We reiterate: there is no way to remain a pacifist in the face of one of the most violent societies ever constructed over the course of history. We not delude ourselves into believing that this gigantic pyramid of hierarchised oppressions can be overthrown or even delegitimised through pacifist actions.
We will continue to violently attack the superstructure of capitalist domination. We will make gunpowder and fire our only voice in the face of injustices, for the construction and propagation of anarchist urban guerrillas that today begin to emerge in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul, in parallel with the struggle of the masses that also emerges with new revolutionary subjects.
The struggle of students in São Paulo against the shutdown of public schools by Geraldo Alckmin’s dictatorial and militaristic regime is extremely heroic and remarkable. Our most sincere solidarity, strength and compassion to all 19 schools occupied, so far, by high-school boys and girls. Continue to resist bravely. Do not be intimidated by the attacks of the police, the media or the judiciary. The people are certainly with you.
Our solidarity also goes out to the feminist struggle of women who marched in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro against the scumbag Eduardo Cunha and the entire reactionary mob that nowadays infest the political and economic scene with their rotten conservative and theocratic agendas. Continue to fight the good fight; the people are with you as well!
Our condolences and sincerest solidarity to the victims, their relatives and all those affected by the disaster [at the Germano mine near the town] of Mariana [in Minas Gerais state], perpetrated by the capitalist trio Vale, Samarco and BHP Billiton. An advance warning: your actions that end up resulting in irreparable damage to the environment and the lives of thousands of people, for the sake of your filthy lucre, will not be left unanswered.
Furthermore, we would also like to salute the General Strike that took place in Greece on the 12th day of this month, against austerity, poverty and repression imposed by Europe’s banking elite. Our most sincere solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, especially the Greek comrades who are currently imprisoned: Gerasimos Tsakalos, Olga Ekonomidou, Haris Hadjimihelakis, Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Michalis Nikolopoulos, Damiano Bolano, Panagiotis Argirou, Giorgos Polidoros [and Theofilos Mavropoulos].
We will continue to progressively increase our attacks in accordance with the increase in our operational capacity. Wait for more acts of sabotage and direct actions in the coming months.
We call in advance all anarchists and communists to prepare materials and equip themselves logistically for the last month of this year. Black December is being organised by revolutionaries from all corners of the world, seeking multiple, continuous and constant attacks, and if everything goes according to our plan it will be marked by chaos and revolutionary energy that will take good care of São Paulo and other Brazilian states.
Let practice and direct action become the evolution of libertarian theory. In an autonomous and decentralised manner, through small groups of intimacy, anyone disposed and organised can carry out their own actions.
Not a step back.
War on the State and the Capital!
Source: Cumplicidade | Greek (soon)