Hediye Şen killed by special forces in Cizre




ŞIRNEX – The special forces are intensify their attacks and they killed Hediye Şen(30).

The special forces intensify their attacts in Cudi neighborhood of Cizre and they killed Hediye Şen (30) who lived in the Street of Caferi Sadık. According the reports, Hediye was married and there are three bullets in her body.

One youth wounded in Bağlar


AMED – Muhammet Atağan has been badly wounded by police in Bağlar district of Diyarbakır.

Muhammet Atağan (27) has been wounded by the police’s bullets during the actions performed to support Sur. Muhammet was taken to Bağlar State Hospital.

The mass gathered to protest the blockade in the Street of Nuket Coşkun. According the reports, the polices have blockaded them in the neighborhood of Kaynartepe.

The attacks start in Nusaybin


MÊRDİN –The sixth curfew was declared in Nusaybin district of Mardin.The polices and special forces have attacked to people and the people have resisted against the attacks.

The curfew was declared in Dicle, Fırat, Abdulkadirpaşa and Yenişehir neighborhoods of Nusaybin. The gunshots have been heard from the neighborhoods. dozens of armored vehicles and special operations police have taken their position in the Street of Çağçağ , Newroz Area, old bus station and the way of İpek. They have being opened fire to the neghborhoods. People have being resisted against the attacks.

The sound action in Diyarbakır for Sur


AMED – Diyarbakır has been in resistance to break the blockade in Sur since morning. All people start an sound action in all neighborhoods in Diyarbakır.

All citizens in Diyarbakır have protesting the blockade in Sur since early morning. The people have lighting the fire, shouting the slogans. Despite all police’s attacks they are continuing their resistance. The people are using the pots and pans to make sound action. Diyarbakır is under the sound action,slogans and whistles.