(In case work starts or an eviction of the ZAD: mobilisations, blockades, occupations. More info from your local committee or on zad.nadir.org)
The movement against the airport calls for a massive day of action on Saturday 16th January.
For the Nantes region, a bike-tractor and walking march is being prepared.
We call on support committees and all the opponents to imagine right now how to participate on this day with similar actions (or others) in their regions, or to join us.
Since there won’t be an airport, for the immediate abandonment of eviction procedures: book your Saturday 16th January!
And widely circulate the information around you. More info coming soon.
Looking forward to finding each other on the roads and in the streets.
Some members of various components of the NDL struggle [Notre-Dame-Des-Landes]
(including ACIPA, ADECA, COPAIN, some ZAD occupants, gathered in a general assembly on December 14th)