news from kurdistan

Attack the people marching to Silopi and Cizre from Şırnak


ŞIRNEX -Thousands of people departed from Şırnak to Silopi and Cizre. The police have being attacked them.

Thousands of people departed from Şırnak to Silopi and Cizre to break the blockade. The police are threw them tear gas and water cannon. The people are trying to Cizre from the mountain of Cudi.

Children ‘We are killed if we don’t resist’


COLEMERG – Children and war mustn’t write in the same sentence but unfortunately these two words have been used in one sentence in recent years. The children have been killed in the conflicts.

The children in Kurdistan know what is going on around them because of the martial law.Botan Ataman (12) from Yüksekova district of Hakkari said, ” There are conflicts in this area for years. Many people have been killed. The AKP is targeting the children. I want this conflictual processes are stopped and mothers never cry gain.”

‘As they attack us so we will resist’

Botan stated that the AKP government prevents the education in the mother tongue and he said, ” When we have a school in our mother tongue that time the AKP starts to attack us. We want to have our autonomy, cottage hospitals and school where we can have the education in our mother tongue. As they attack us so we will resist. Our only desire is peace.”

‘If we don’t rise up, the AKP government will kill us’

Botan pointed out that the mothers and children have been killed for many years and he continued his words as follows: ” Many people were killed and tortured, mothers were beated and children were imprisoned in the past. The children of the mothers were killed by the tanks. All I want is the uprising of the people in Yüksekova. If we don’t rise up, the AKP government will shoot us. When we rise up,the State will run away from us instead of shoot us.

‘I want to get my education in Kurdish’

Zilan Duman (11),other child in Yüksekova said, ” when there were conflicts in Yüksekova,the police and soldiers stayed in front of our house and they shot incessant everywhere. Now they are doing the same in Cizre and Silopi districts of Şırnak, they are killing the children. I don’t want war anymore. The children should not be killed. I want to get my education in Kurdish and I want have our own schools. During the war, they are destroying our schools.



Massacred Zeynep Yılmaz’s body taken 17 hours later


ŞIRNEX – Zeynep Yılmaz was shot in the head yesterday in Cizre and she lost her life on the spot, her body was taken to hospital 17 hours later.

The curfew has been continued for 8 days in Cizre district of Şırnak. The artillery shootings were continued till morning in the district. Zeynep Yılmaz(45) was shot in the head and she lost her life yestreday but her body was taken to hospital 17 hours later by people. Many people have been wounded in the attacks to Cudi neighborhood of Cizre.
Yesterday in Cizre,Hediye Çete and Güler Yamalak was wounded by the police’s bullets. Güler (8 months pregnant)lost her baby. Mother of three, Hediye Şen was shot by 8 bullets in front of her house. Hediye lost her life.
