Black December: ING Bank target of anarchist action in Den Haag (Netherlands)


In the days running up to Christmas an ING bank in Den Haag (Netherlands) was targeted by anarchists. ATM machines were sabotaged and a slogan referring to Black December was left on the facade. The banks are a cornerstone of this suffocating capitalist and repressive society. This is why we choose to attack these symbols of domination. While people are caught up in the consumerist madness of christmas we wanted to cause a disturbance of this consumerist peace. We don’t want to passively wait while this world is suffering. Crush the capitalist system. We want the anarchist offensive.

The action is in response to the call-out for a ‘Black December’ by anarchists Nikos Romanos and Panayiotis Argyros who are currently held captive by the Greek state. …

In loving solidarity to all the imprisoned anarchists around the world.

For a Black December! For the anarchist offensive!