25 December solidarity greeting at Harmondsworth detention centre


From A Few Undesirables.

Wild passionate greetings to hostages of Harmondsworth concentration camp, prison island UK

A group of over 20 black-clad people appeared from nowhere at Harmondsworth concentration camp near Heathrow airport yesterday in solidarity with those who, fleeing wars or famine or simply seeking ‘a better life’ have found themselves despised and criminalised, undesirables locked up out of sight of the civilised world.

They did not go to appeal to dialogue or integration, but, they too aliens in a world of which they want no part, to break through the silence and indifference. Unseen, they passed rows of massive human-warehouses (Harmondsworth is the biggest detention centre in Europe) surrounded by high fences and barbed wire, to one of the main detention buildings. Various banners and a black flag with encircled A were held up, accompanied by blaring sound system, chants, waving, clenched fists and kicking of fences, while continuous phone contact was maintained with some of those imprisoned inside.

After 20/30 minutes a bunch of screws appeared, soon followed by 4 police cars into the area where the people were exchanging passionate greetings as the captives became aware of what was happening. Dark shadows turned to strength as they pressed against the sealed windows, waving, shouting, banging. The demonstration carried on for over an hour, ignoring the presence of the scum around them.

When the group decided to leave at their own pace their (verbal) attention turned to the cops and screws. Tensions started rising.  The cops burst into a frenzy, grabbing a number of people from behind and pinning them to the ground. 2 were arrested and later released.

A brief encounter, a rekindling of passions, strength, rebel love and anger, on both sides of the barbed wire.

A moment of affirmation and consolidation, a tiny step out of the quagmire of habit and resignation.

And a reminder….

Borders won’t just wither away! Solidarity means attack!
