Italy – Lecce – Arrested three comrades for the struggle against the CIE detention centre in Brindisi


We receive and spread:
Following a greeting in front of the CIE of Brindisi – Restinco three comrades of Lecce were arrested on charges of resistance and non-authorized demonstration. They are now under house arrest. Below the leaflet distributed during the march that took place on January 10 in the city centre in solidarity with the arrested:

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Statement from Rigaer 94 on todays events


We are reporting live from our house under the impressions of what is happening around.
The situation on the spot ist tense, just like the whole afternoon. After the attack of a cop on group of people on Rigaerstraße ,these fled into the safety of the yard.
As we are engaged in the emancipatory struggle against the transformation and 7076080435.thumbnail

We are reporting live from our house under the impressions of what is happening around.
The situation on the spot ist tense, just like the whole afternoon. After the attack of a cop on group of people on Rigaerstraße ,these fled into the safety of the yard.
As we are engaged in the emancipatory struggle against the transformation and gentrification of the neighbourhood, we are happy to see the always accessible yard of the building that houses several different renting and squatting parties, appear as a shelter against racist and state run assault in the media.

The way we saw people and media agitate against us today is exagerated in our eyes.
A violent officer , that might have gotten lightly injured, wouldnt be worth such an outcry normally.
Continue reading Statement from Rigaer 94 on todays events

Brescia: Claim of the attack on the police training centre and communiqué of Cellula Anarchica Acca (Italy)


During the night between 17th and 18th December we placed a device (8kg of gunpowder) at the police ‘training centre’ in Brescia. A symbolic action intended to cause material damage. We chose that time so as not to harm people indiscriminately.
Continue reading Brescia: Claim of the attack on the police training centre and communiqué of Cellula Anarchica Acca (Italy)

A Letter from Mazas Prison


Clément Duval  (1886)


Although I am not well known to you, you know that I am an anarchist. I am writing this letter to you to protest against the insanities that must have leaked out about me in particular and about the anarchists in general in all different kinds of newspapers which joined together to say, when I was arrested, that I was an ex-convict and had already been convicted of theft. As if you could call someone a thief who was a worker who had nothing but misery whereas for me theft does not exist except in the exploitation of man by man, in short, in the existence of everyone who lives at the expense of the producing class.

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Pisa – Alcuni contributi critici all’università e alla scuola (pdf)


Seguono alcuni contributi e volantini distribuiti all’interno dell’università di Pisa in questo primo trimestre, tra settembre e dicembre 2015. La critica all’università, e alla scuola in genere, ma anche a coloro che vorrebbero una scuola più pubblica e più accessibile a tutti, riteniamo che sia uno dei campi in cui l’intervento e le posizioni anarchiche debbano essere portate.
Continue reading Pisa – Alcuni contributi critici all’università e alla scuola (pdf)

[Actualització] Gabriel Pombo da Silva


l’anarquista pres és traslladat de presó.
Gabriel Pombo da Silva que fins aquesta setmana es trobava reclús a la presó de Topas (Salamanca) es troba de trasllat ara mateix, sense un destí cert.

Segons s’ha informat podria ser que l’estiguessin traslladant dins de la pròpia comunitat autònoma de Castella Lleó, a un altre penal d’una provincia propera.

Contra les presons i el món que les necessita.
Solidaritat amb les persones preses en lluita.