updates from Kurdistan ( 11.02.2016)


Attacks continue in Cizre


ŞIRNEX – Minister of Interior, Efkan Ala announced, “The operations were ended in Cizre”. However, the attacks on the building where the wounded have taken refuge in the besieged town of Cizre, have continued. The smoke is still rising from the building and surrounding area which known as ‘basement of savagery’. Totally 139 people had taken refuge in three ‘basements of savagery’. 94 people in Cudi neighborhood and 45 people in Sur neighborhood. 68 people have been killed so far in attacks on the basements. There is no information about 71 people.
Continue reading updates from Kurdistan ( 11.02.2016)

Comunicado Riseup: la NSA dispone de un Mapa Mundial de Vínculos. Importancia de la seguridad en la red


la NSA ha construido un mapa de todo el mundo a través de los vínculos comunicativos de todos los emails, chats y transacciones financieras. Este mapa les cuenta una historia sobre todos nosotros. Sabe a quiénes conocemos, quiénes son nuestras aliadas y con quién nos relacionamos.
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[Manresa] Activitats febrer Ateneu Anarquista La Ruda


A la Ruda també s’están realitzant tallers de teatre i d’autodefensa, s’hi reuneix l’Assemblea Llibertària del Bages o el Grup d’Autogestió de la Salut. Si us interesa algun d’aquests projectes o voleu realitzar algun taller, xerrada o activitat, ens podeu escriure a laruda ARROBA riseup.net o passar qualsevol dia que estigui obert i preguntar.

I properament, esperem poder obrir la biblioteca de l’Ateneu.

Salut i llibertat!

Mira també:

Eight Hours Too Many?



E. Kerr

Work less to live more. What a beautiful slogan! I wonder if the one who coined it understood the unintended truth it contains, that work is the negation of life. “Eight hours of obligation is enough to exhaust a person’s energy. What he gives at work is his life, the better part of her strength. Even if the work has not degraded her, even if she has not felt himself overcome by boredom and fatigue, he leaves exhausted, diminished, with the imagination withered.” So a worker wrote several decades ago. Anyone who has worked even for just one day understands the meaning of these words. This is why the reduction of work hours has always been one of the primary demands of those who don’t commission the work, but who carry it out, and so bear its entire burden.
Continue reading Eight Hours Too Many?

Paroxysm of Chaos (παρουσίαση του αναρχικού περιοδικού)

Paroxysm of chaos front cover

“I look around me and I see dead everywhere.
And who am I? Someone who escapes from the corpses? Maybe. Maybe not.
When hatred and despair pierce the fleshly armor.
When negation and desire become one.
Then. The mind will turn into a weapon.
And what does a naked one do with a weapon in hand?
Will one try to survive, will one try to enjoy it?
It’s in one’s own hand and decision.
Continue reading Paroxysm of Chaos (παρουσίαση του αναρχικού περιοδικού)