Greece: Punitive restrictions and tight surveillance at the women’s prison in Korydallos


On account of what happened last Sunday on the 21st of February the women’s prison now is under tight surveillance and investigation.

Despite the thorough search conducted a few days ago inside prison wards and common areas and the fact that nothing reprehensible was found, we continue to witness an increase of prison guards on every post. Male prison employees are now watching our every move when we spend time outside in the yard. Going outside has also been banned for certain hours during the day in order to conduct repetitive searches in spite of them already been conducted. Every night prison guards strike the railings of every ward.

One of the payphones has been banned from being used and it was disconnected because it is placed right outside of the railings of our ward. From the remaining six payphones only three function properly. Yesterday we also came across a novelty: women prisoners were ordered to go through a metal detector in order to get to the yard. The order came from the prison-guards’ supervisor. After complaints they did not attempt to do that again today. The rest remain the same, the helicopter has not stopped flying all over our heads.

Korydallos Women’s Prison

(via Athens Indymedia, translated by BlackCat)