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Monthly Archives: March 2016
How the Stirner Eats Gods
Alejandro de Acosta
About his philosophical nickname
The author of the fine book The Ego and its Own was a man whose forehead sprouted a name: Stimer refers to his great brow. There is something charming about the fact that this book was signed with a pseudonym – this book that insists to the death on irreducible, irreparable uniqueness.
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23MAR Ska/Punk Against Racism- The Meow Meows, Rotten Foxes + Killers Riches
Barbarian Octopus invites you to a Ska/Punk Against Racism night which is a benefit for Brighton Antifascists and 161 Crew
Continue reading 23MAR Ska/Punk Against Racism- The Meow Meows, Rotten Foxes + Killers Riches
Santiago: Solidaridad y agitación con lxs presxs subversivxs
El día sábado 27 de febrero se regaló a los asistentes de la “Tokata anticarcelaria pro-fondos de propaganda a 8 años del inicio del Caso Security” diversos afiches y boletines en solidaridad con los compañeros Marcelo Villarroel, Freddy Fuentevilla y Juan Aliste, Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar. En la instancia también se leyó abiertamente el comunicado “En solidaridad aktiva kon nuestrxs hermanxs Francisco Solar y Mónica Caballero prisionerxs anarkistas en las kárceles del Estado Español”.
Honour to the revolutionary Lambros Foundas who fell in battle on March 10th 2010 in Dafni, Athens -Greece
In any case, Lambros Foundas lives in the flaming hearts of those who fight continuously for dignity and freedom. The memory of the rebels that die is incarnated in our small and big revolts. Honour for ever to our comrade fighter revolutionary Lambros Foundas!
Act for freedom now ! /boubourAs
For us, his comrades in Revolutionary Struggle, Lambros Foundas is not deceased. He is in our blood and the air we breathe as fighters. He is within our goals and objectives. He is identified with our organization and our struggle. Every day, every moment, he is present
Overview of repressions against anarchists and antifashists in Belarus in 2015
We begin the overview of repressions with a recently ended epic which lasted since 2010 – the cases of anarchists.
On 22 August anarchists Ihar Alinevich, Mikalai Dziadok and Artsiom Prakapenka were released from jail. Among the absolved there were also Jauhen Vaskovich* and two other prisoners who do not have even an indirect relationship to anarchism.
But we remember that during all the time of their imprisonment, they and their families were constantly under pressure.
On 26 February Mikalai Dziadok was sentenced to one year of imprisonment under an absurd article 411 of the Criminal Code “willful disobedience to the orders of the prison administration” (//abc-belarus.org/?p=5809&lang=en). Mikalai expressed his wish to be the last convict under this article. It allows prison authorities to keep a person there forever.
Continue reading Overview of repressions against anarchists and antifashists in Belarus in 2015
[Estado Español] Jornada de apoyo al Encuentro del Libro Anarquista de Salamanca
El proximo Viernes 18 de Marzo a partir de las 21:00, Jornada de apoyo al Encuentro del Libro Anarquista de Salamanca.
Con la participación en directo de un recital poetico a cargo de Jose Payan y su tropa trovadora y con el Cantautor Libertario Buterflai desde E.H., con canciones de protesta contra el sistema carcelario.
Se desarrollara a partir de las 21:00 en el CSA La Perrera en Salamanca, situado en la C/VItigudiono ( Junto a la Plaza del Oeste).
La entrada sera gratuita y habra tapero vegano, para recaudar fondos economicos en los gastos de los actos que se elaboran en Agosoto, en la realización de presentaciones de libros, charlas, etc…
Buenos Aires, Argentina: Solidaridad con Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar
sabato 12 marzo @ EL PASO (Torino)
Bail set for anarchist comrade Yorch, but the farce continues (Mexico)
The Federal Public Ministry could not prove their claim that the comrade is drug dealer, so the judge had to change the charge of crimes against health in selling arrangement to simple possession of narcotics, crime considered not serious so a bail was set.
Continue reading Bail set for anarchist comrade Yorch, but the farce continues (Mexico)