Monthly Archives: March 2016
Edoardo Massari (Baleno), Maria Soledad Rosas (Sole)
Στις 5 Μαρτίου, ο Εντουάρντο “Μπαλένο” Μασσάρι (ένας από τους 68 διωκόμενους από το δικαστή Μαρίνι, κατά την επιχείρηση Ποντελούνγκο και από τους ελάχιστους που στη συνέχεια απαλλάχτηκαν από τις κατηγορίες) συνελήφθη και προφυλακίστηκε μαζί με το Σιλβάνο Πελλισσέρο και τη Μαρία Ρόσας Σόλενταντ, κατηγορούμενοι για ένοπλη συμμορία και συνέργεια σε έγκλημα με σκοπό την τρομοκρατία και για οπλοκατοχή και κατασκευή εκρηκτικών. Κατηγορίες που τους αποδόθηκαν για μια σειρά από πολυάριθμα σαμποτάζ, που συνέβησαν στη Βαλ ντι Σούζα, ενάντια στα έργα κατασκευής σιδηροδρόμων για τα τρένα υψηλής ταχύτητας (TAV). Τα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης, σε συνεργασία με τη δικαιοσύνη, δεν άργησαν να ορίσουν τη συνεπαγωγή “αναρχικοί=βόμβες” και να αποδώσουν στους συντρόφους το χαρακτηρισμό: οικοτρομοκράτες.
Continue reading Edoardo Massari (Baleno), Maria Soledad Rosas (Sole)
Mentre il Cie di Bari ha momentaneamente chiuso i battenti, al Cie di Torino continuano gli episodi di ribellione e resistenza.
La settimana scorsa un ragazzo tunisino, preso durante una retata a San Salvario, è stato portato all’interno del Cie, per la seconda volta negli ultimi 6 mesi. Una volta condotto nell’isolamento, fra sabato e domenica ha bruciato la cella da due in cui era recluso, rendendola inagibile. Il motivo del gesto è legato alla protesta contro il suo imminente rimpatrio.
Continue reading Fermenti
Spagna: sul processo a Monica e Francisco
Dopo quasi due anni e mezzo di detenzione preventiva, i giorni tra l’8 e il 10 marzo 2016 si terrrà a Madrid il processo ai danni di Monica Caballero e Francisco Solar, con le accuse di danneggiamento, cospirazione e appartenenza a gruppo criminale con finalità di terrorismo. Un caso, il loro, per molti versi significativo e importante. Se infatti esso ha funzionato in Spagna da apripista per le molteplici operazioni contro gli anarchici spagnoli (a partire dal caso Pandora), dall’altro lato mostra chiaramente un tentativo di approccio internazionale dei teoremi antiterroristici (nello specifico con le intese tra le autorità spagnole e quelle cilene). Della loro vicenda ci siamo fatti raccontare da una compagna di Barcellona.
22-year-old shot in police crackdown in Amed dies
Turkish police forces have staged a crackdown on thousands in the main Kurdish city Amed who started a march from Koşuyolu Park to the central Sur district to break the siege ongoing for 88 days.
urkish police forces have staged a crackdown on thousands in the main Kurdish city Amed who started a march from Koşuyolu Park to the central Sur district to break the siege ongoing for 88 days.
22-year-old Abdullah Yılmaz whom police shot in the head in Mevlana Halit neighborhood of Bağlar district got heavily wounded as a result of the attack. People around rushed Yılmaz to a private hospital where he succumbed to the heavy injury he had sustained.
Fr. 11.03.2016 19:30 Textdiskussion: „Die anarchistische Synthese“. Teil 1 von „Drei anarchistische Organisationsformen“
Diesmal wollen wir den Text „Die anarchistische Synthese“ (hier als Broschüre zum Ausdrucken) zur Diskussion stellen.
Continue reading Fr. 11.03.2016 19:30 Textdiskussion: „Die anarchistische Synthese“. Teil 1 von „Drei anarchistische Organisationsformen“
Four UCD buildings Attacked
In the early morning of March 3rd, four University City District buildings had their locks glued and a camera removed. Anti-police and anti-gentrification slogans (“NO COPS,” “NO CONDOS,” “FREE BIG FREEDIA” etc) were painted as well.
University City District is an organization funded in part by University of Pennsylvania that polices and “maintains” space in West Philadelphia.
It’s Going Down
¡Contra la criminalización del apoyo a personas presas, el 24 de abril todxs a Lleida!
El dia 26 de abril se celebra el juicio contra los 3 jóvenes de Lleida, acusados de obstrucción continuada de la justicia y amenazas a un carcelero del centro penitenciario de Ponent. El golpe represivo es una respuesta a los gestos de solidaridad que surgieron des de la calle en Lleida con la campaña Cárcel=Tortura, protesta protagonizada por presas y presos de todo el estado. En concreto se les acusa de participar con el “grupo de apoyo a presxs en lluita de Ponent” y de asistir como audiencia pública a los juicios contra Juankar Santana Martin, el cual durante su estancia en el CP Ponent fue represaliado por su actitud combativa y rebelde. Les piden 4 años de cárcel mas 18.000€ de pena multa.
Continue reading ¡Contra la criminalización del apoyo a personas presas, el 24 de abril todxs a Lleida!
ARTE documentary on Kurdish woman fighters on Women’s Day
German-French TV channel ARTE is broadcasting a new documentary on the struggle of woman fighters in Kurdistan. The documentary entitled ‘Kurdistan, Girls at War (Der Freiheitskampf der Kurdinnen/Kurdistan, La Guerre des Filles) was prepared by Mylene Sauloy, documents Sauloy’s visits to Rojava and Shengal in 2015, and will be broadcast this evening. ARTE will broadcast the documentary at 22:35 in its French channel and 21:55 in its German channel (European Time).
Continue reading ARTE documentary on Kurdish woman fighters on Women’s Day
Berlin: BKA counter-terrorism building attacked with petrol bombs & paint
It is evening in the city… While in the last few weeks hundreds of cops besieged Rigaer Strasse, harassed people and broke into homes and collective spaces, the responsible bureaucrats met in Berlin together with representatives of the arms industry, delegates of various torturers from different countries and political actors from the entire European area to discuss how these and other repressions could generate more profit.
As a small gesture of solidarity for those affected by this machinery and to express our burning hatred for those responsible, on the night of 26.02.16. we attacked the counter-terrorism center of Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) with fire and paint.
Continue reading Berlin: BKA counter-terrorism building attacked with petrol bombs & paint