As ISIS groups continue to attack the town of Ayn îsa and Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood of Aleppo city, combatants of YPG /YPJ (People’s/Women’s Defense Units) have conducted an operation against gang groups.
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Monthly Archives: April 2016
Psycho punk festival @ CSOA il Molino (Lugano)
‘Free Transport, Full Communism’: vandals encourage attacks on rail staff
NOTE FROM DISACCORDS: funnily enough, we actually don’t know have anything to do with these posters in Sydney, but we are glad to have fans in the city promoting the website.
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Anthrax | Intensive Care | Bug Central | Mindframe
Athens: Banner action in the city centre
On March 26th 2016, we gathered in the yard of the Athens Polytechnic School, beside the squatted Gini building where migrant families are currently housed, and we made a few banners of anarchist remembrance and internationalist solidarity.
On Stournari Street, we placed a banner in solidarity with migrants reading: “We are migratory birds – Down with barbed wire – Long live freedom – Fire to the borders”.
Continue reading Athens: Banner action in the city centre
After cops killed a 5yrs-old boy, angry residents attacked buses, banks & shops in
Squatters Handbook callout
The 14th edition of the Squatters Handbook is being worked on!
We are looking for relevant pictures (photos, cartoons, diagrams), offers of proof-reading or lay-out, any comments on anything in the last handbook or our current leaflets to correct or improve.
We don’t promise to use anything.
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Message from imprisoned Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis to the annual meeting of International Red Aid
I salute the comrades who participate in the yearly meeting of International Red Aid. Comrades from Greece participate for the first time in this meeting, members of the solidarity assembly for political prisoners in Greece who surely will inform you about the situation in Greece with regards to political prisoners, solidarity and generally the political situation in Greece. From my side I will inform you about some recent events that took place here.
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E’ uscito l’opuscolo “Frontiere e lavoro: gli schiavi della filiera agroalimentare”
E’ uscito l’opuscolo “Frontiere e lavoro: gli schiavi della filiera agroalimentare“:
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Sobre la campaña contra el movimiento anarquista.
Nuevamente un compañero es seguido y obligado a presentarse en Inteligencia para luego pasar a declarar ante un juez. Esto no es nuevo, es otro ataque al movimiento y por eso respondemos colectivamente. Somos conscientes de la lucha en la que estamos.
Las fuerzas represivas del Estado continúan atacando a nuestros compañeros hace mucho y seguirán en su función, cada vez más duramente mientras sigamos fortaleciéndonos, mientras la resistencia continúe, mientras la lucha avance en la calle…
Continue reading Sobre la campaña contra el movimiento anarquista.