Solidarity Events and Materials


Prisoners in Texas are still on strike, prisoners in Alabama will be joining them on May 1st, food protests continue in Michigan, as well as hunger strikes in Louisiana. Holman Unit in Alabama continues to be a place of strife and open conflict with the authorities.

The fight against slavery, torture and confinement is raging on the inside, and calling for support on the outside. Prisoner supporters and the IWOC are responding to the call, with rallies, phone zaps, and educational events and outreach. See below for ways you can participate!

Phone Pressure:

-#EyesOnTexas Keep calling Texas! The TDCJ is refusing to acknowlege that a strike is on and insisting that “no action was necessary” meanwhile, we know they are locking down prisons to deter the strike from spreading, they’ve had one facility on lock down for the better part of a month, and they are interfering with prisoner mail to keep outside support in the dark. The Texas prison system is immense, and notoriously brutal. We don’t know the full scope of retaliation they are engaged in behind the curtain of denial. Friends, families and activists in Texas are working on an escalating response, but in the meantime, keeping phone pressure on can only help.

Days of Action:

– May Day! May first is the international worker’s holiday, a day of protest and refusal. The Free Alabama Movement have chosen this day to go on strike. They are encouraging outside supporters to make their struggle visible at local marches, rallies and events. Here are a couple of flyers to distribute at or leading up to May Day in your town: PDF Full SheetPDF Half Sheet – editable version to add your local info: DOCX FullDOCX Half and a hot new zine: PDF

– May 7th The Mothers and Families of FAM will be holding a solidarity rally at Holman prison on Saturday May 7th. Saturday of April 9th, they held a similar rally and supporters across the country held events educating the public about prisoner slavery or protesting against corporations that profit from prisoner labor. Creating this widespread presence and visibility protects striking prisoners against retaliation, generalizes the struggle and demonstrates outside support to prisoners who are mobilizing for the national shutdown on September 9th.