Κάθε Πέμπτη στις 21:00-23:00
στο μπαρ της κατάληψης Terra Incognita
(Ολύμπου 67, Θεσ/νίκη)
η αφίσα σε διάσταση εκτύπωσης εδώ
η αφίσα σε διάσταση εκτύπωσης εδώ
Avda/ Sant Josep de la Muntanya 31-33
Lesseps o Joanic
Aquest divendres 22 a partir de les 21:00h: Continue reading [22 d’abril] Sopador + actuació Barnan barna a Kasa de la Muntanya |
The very first court hearing since the Fenix started will take a place in Prague city court on April 26-27th. The court is about the case of Igor Shevcov. An anarchist accused of fabricated attack on the house of minister of defense. During this so called attack nothing was damaged and no one got hurt. In the time of incident – which the ministers son mentioned in his first testimony – Igor could not be physically near by the house. More info about the case is in the pamphlet “Fenix did not rise from the ashes” page 5. Igor already had spent 3 months in remand and since September 2015 he has been out on probation. Part of the “deal” is that Igor could have not leave the Czech Republic at all and once a week he must go to visit the probation office. He can be sentenced uo to 15 years. Take friends and come to support a comrade, anarchist and great friend Igor to the court room! The solidarity is our strongest weapon!
“Jornades antiautoritaries per la llibertat sexual i de gènere” Del 21 al 24 d’abril. |
El Tattoo Circus sirve como herramienta de apoyo a nuestrxs compañerxs presxs. Nos concentramos en torno al tatuaje y la modificación corporal como reivindicación y método de autogestión en nuestra oposición al sistema y sus cárceles; para ayudar a todos aquellxs que han decidido luchar contra el estado y el capital, y que están siendo reprimidxs, aisladxs y torturadxs por ello.
Continue reading V Tattoo Circus (Zaragoza) 6, 7 y 8 Mayo 2016
21 aprile – 22 aprile
Dal 21 aprile alle 18:30 al 22 aprile alle 22:00
Ospizio Contarini Occupato, Fondamenta delle Terese 9A, Santa Marta Venezia
Continue reading 21-22.4.16, Guerra senza fronte. Due giorni di discussione all’Ex Ospizio (Venezia)