Category Archives: Place

Maxi-processo all’Onda: richiesti 71 anni di carcere


A cinque anni di distanza dai fatti contestati, si avvia alla conclusione il maxi-processo agli studenti del movimento dell’Onda e, più in generale, a chi tra il 2009 e il 2011 si è reso protagonista delle lotte sociali in città. Settantuno anni di carcere distribuiti tra settanta imputati. Confermata l’accusa di associazione a delinque su sette imputati, alla base dell’inchiesta che nel 2011 aveva già prodotto l’applicazione di 35 misure cautelari utilizzate dalla procura per attaccare e intimidire le lotte che si producevano in città.
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Athens: Gesture of solidarity with the squatters in Vancouver Apartman



Late in the evening of March 13th 2016, the Vancouver Apartman building which is squatted for a little over a decade came under attempted arson attack, when a Molotov cocktail landed in front of a door on Mavromataion Street.
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Sat 23th of April Disturbances-lecture: Anarchy in the 80s & Early 90s


Doors open at 4 pm, Lecture begins at 4:15 pm

How were squatting, zines, demonstrations and other civil action executed in the Finland of 1980s and early 1990s and what was accomplished with them? Kaide, a civil activist who was involved at the time, tells about the beginnings of a period of large societal change. Horke Lavento tells what it was like to discover anarchism in Southeast Finland in the 80s and how anarchism started to be perceived as something else in the Finnish 80s than odd behavior or terrorism. How was the Finnish Anarcho-syndicalist Federation founded and how were the first connections established to anarchists abroad?
Continue reading Sat 23th of April Disturbances-lecture: Anarchy in the 80s & Early 90s