Category Archives: text
Perché siamo contro le carceri, tutte le carceri?
Diciamo cose semplici, perché siamo spiriti semplici.
I pensieri, i desideri, i sogni che cerchiamo di esprimere appartengono all’umanità fin dall’alba del suo apparire. Uno stuolo infinito di legislatori, politici, esperti, intellettuali e altri sostenitori di idee autorizzate hanno complicato ad arte le domande, facendo sentire sciocchi e inferiori tante donne e tante uomini che si sono sempre riferiti all’unico libro in cui si può trovare qualche risposta: quello dell’esperienza vissuta.
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Parole Board Stitch-up
John Bowden writes about his treatment at the hands of a megalomaniac social worker and an all too acquiescent Parole Board. Further articles by John, and others about his current situation and what you can do to help, can be found on this site.
n June of 2011, the Parole Board for England and Wales finally carried out its statutory obligation to review my continued imprisonment after 32 years of captivity. Its official terms of reference were clear and straightforward; to be reassured that I represented no risk or danger to the public, (the main legal criteria determining whether a life sentence prisoner is safe to be released or not), and that I could be safely managed or supervised in the community beyond prison.
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Money and Logos
By M. D. P. |
Diavolo in corpo
Is there a relationship between the birth of the rational mentality and the development of commercial economy? In the 7th century B.C.E., a whole series of tightly connected social changes took place in the Ionian Greek cities of Asia Minor. It is precisely during this epoch that the rational mentality arose, at the time when maritime commercial culture began to experience its first great development.
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Propaganda, gasolina y barricadas. (chile 2008)
(Para la memoria de las actuales luchas proletarias y estudiantiles, que agitan a varias ciudades del país.)
A Claudia López, quien siempre tuvo claro
quienes eran sus verdaderos amigos y compañeros.
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Erinne Vivani 1922
Nella pallida e triste ora crepuscolare, gravida di avvenimenti comici e tragici, mentre ogni ridicola meschinità assurge a manifestazione e il delitto viene eretto a sistema di vita, ad esercitazione ginnico sportiva, mentre il sangue dei cittadini rivoluzionari e non rivoluzionari bagna le belle contrade d’Italia, l’individualismo anarchico — unica e fulgida realtà della vita e della storia — incide maestosamente e gloriosamente al di sopra di tanta putredine civile e sociale verso la gioia, verso la libertà, verso il sole.
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Davanti ai libertari del presente e del futuro sulle capitolazioni del 1937
Un “Incontrolado” della Columna de Hierro
preludio sinfonico di «DINAMITE»
Questa è l’ora dei miei foschi pensieri.
Il mio Demonio dorme.
Γιατί εξέγερση; – Alfredo Bonanno
Το καθήκον μας ως αναρχικοί, η κύρια έγνοια και η μεγαλύτερη επιθυμία μας, είναι να δούμε την κοινωνική επανάσταση να πραγματοποιείται: τρομερή αναστάτωση των ανθρώπων και σχηματισμοί που τελικά καταφέρνουν να θέσουν ένα τέλος στην εκμετάλλευση και να εγκαθιδρύσουν τη βασιλεία της δικαιοσύνης. Για μας τους αναρχικούς η επανάσταση είναι ο οδηγός μας, το σταθερό σημείο αναφοράς μας, δεν έχει σημασία τι κάνουμε ή ποιο είναι το πρόβλημα που μας απασχολεί. Η αναρχία που θέλουμε δεν θα είναι δυνατή χωρίς το οδυνηρό επαναστατικό ξέσπασμα. Αν θέλουμε να αποφύγουμε να τη μετατρέψουμε απλά σε ένα όνειρο θα πρέπει να αγωνιστούμε να καταστρέψουμε το Κράτος και τους εκμεταλλευτές μέσω της επανάστασης.
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Letter from Tamara about the anti-prison struggle (2010)
From Liberación Total (June 28, 2010):
It only takes a quick look around to see that we live and breathe prison. We are born in chains and condemned to endure a miserable, empty existence subject to the control of a System of domination that enslaves and feeds on our lives, and whose best weapons against dissent are the prisons charged with sowing fear among those who break the law and clash with order.
Prison is one of the System’s strongest pillars. It was made for those who don’t submit, for those who—consciously or not—exemplify the misery created by the System.
In addition, it’s now a very profitable business. Prison is one of power’s cruelest tools of vengeance: punishment. Inside prison, injustice and abuse abound, revealing the brutal aspiration to destroy people.
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