Tag Archives: 1918

Manifesto of the Makhnovists

Makhno Flag

Nestor Makhno 1918

Victory or death. This is what confronts the peasants of the Ukraine at the present moment in history. But we shall not all perish. There are too many of us. We are humanity. So we must win – win not so that we may follow the example of past years and hand over our fate to some new master, but to take it in our own hands and conduct our lives according to our own will and our own conception of truth.

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A Closed Chaptert


Bruno Filippi

The sad task of obituary writer is mine. It is sad to write a page with a heart that asks: and then what? But we are dedicated to the struggle: or to succeed in disappearing. It is inevitable and so one of us inevitably vanishes.

Uh! And how the imbeciles will howl: willful anarchist! Who can understand the storm that roars in our brain? Who can understand our hunger for joy, for life? Who can understand our defeat due to human cowardice?

We are alone. We did not find the group of daredevils ready to participate in the struggle for the conquest of life.

Therefore, we were defeated.

And one of us has vanished. The other remains with his eyes fixed on the horizon. He cannot, he must not depart. This is our destiny. Will we find comrades?

Otherwise, each in our own way, we will disappear, silent or tumultuous, from the stage of the world.

A chapter has closed.

A chapter of struggle, of hopes, of illusions. But the end has not come. As these strange, unusual lives come to an end, we will come to understand that it would have been better if they had never been born.

And that’s all there is to say.

(Summer 1918)


Materiali di riflessione sul primo fascismo e i tentativi di opporvisi.

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Continuiamo a rendere disponibili vecchi e nuovi materiali di analisi e di critica radicale e sovversiva, confidando che questo possa dare continuamente nuovi spunti per operare nel quotidiano odierno contro cio` che ci affligge e contro i nostri nemici materiali, lo Stato il capitale i loro servi e cani da guardia, ed immateriali, e cioe` le nostre paure.

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Fania Kaplan , la anarquista que baleo a Lenin


“Mi nombre es Fania Kaplan. Hoy disparé a Lenin. Lo hice con mis propios medios. No diré quién me proporcionó la pistola. No daré ningún detalle. Tomé la decisión de matar a Lenin hace ya mucho tiempo. Le considero un traidor a la revolución. Estuve exiliada en Akatuy por participar en el intento de asesinato de un funcionario zarista en Kiev. Permanecí once años en régimen de trabajos forzados. Tras la Revolución fui liberada. Aprobé la Asamblea Constituyente y sigo apoyándola”.
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Cuando la Patria Mata. Historia del Anarquista Julio Rebosio (1914-1920) libro


“Nadie poseía una explicación categórica para juzgar lo que acababa de suceder frente al Nº 729 de la santiaguina calle Copiapó. Ante la mirada expectante de quienes fueran sus amigos, un delgado y moreno cuerpo yacía inerte en las afueras de la casa y taller de un viejo zapatero anarquista. Los vecinos de la humilde construcción, otrora informal y animado punto de encuentro revolucionario, pudieron –imaginamos– aguardar tal como las mujeres y los hombres allí reunidos, alguna respuesta a la sangre que manaba de la tibia cabeza del extinto.”
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La vérité sur les bolcheviks



traduit par Yves Coleman


(Brochure publiée par Mother Earth en 1918, inédite en français.)

Ce texte est ma dernière contribution avant de rejoindre la prison de Jefferson City, Missouri, pour deux ans. Je le dédie aux bolcheviks de Russie en hommage à leur œuvre glorieuse et à la façon dont leur exemple inspire l’essor du bolchevisme en Amérique.
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