Tag Archives: 2009

From underground, Diego Ríos’ third communiqué


From Hommodolars Contrainformación:

November 21, 2009

The following communiqué was sent to our e-mail address, and it comes from comrade Diego Ríos, who is making his presence known in order to mark the International Week of Agitation and Pressure in Solidarity with Comrades Captured by the Chilean State (not an anarchist summit, like those idiots are saying over there).
Continue reading From underground, Diego Ríos’ third communiqué

Gabriel Pombo Da Silva – Lettera postuma a Mauri (Aachen, 27 maggio 2009)


“Perché se gli ultimi devono essere i primi, non potrà essere se non dopo uno scontro a morte tra i due protagonisti. Quella volontà affermata di far passare gli ultimi in testa alla fila, di farli ascendere ad un ritmo (troppo rapido, dicono alcuni) sui gradini che definiscono una società organizzata, non può trionfare se non quando vengono messi sul piatto della bilancia tutti i mezzi inclusa, ovviamente, la violenza…”

Frantz Fanon (I dannati della terra)
Continue reading Gabriel Pombo Da Silva – Lettera postuma a Mauri (Aachen, 27 maggio 2009)

Comunicado: “Ha muerto un guerrero pero nuestro fuego no se apaga”


Mauricio Morales, nuestro hermano, murió esta madrugada. Transportaba un artefacto explosivo que detonó en su espalda, matándolo en el acto. Se presume que la nefasta institución de Gendarmería era el objetivo de su ataque. Murió como un guerrero, enfrentándose sin miedo, sin vacilación contra toda forma de poder.
Continue reading Comunicado: “Ha muerto un guerrero pero nuestro fuego no se apaga”

Una Bomba, una bicicleta y un revólver. (2009)

My beautiful picture

“La vida carece de tal sentido que no tenemos otra cosa que hacer que gastar nuestro sueldo en la última falda o camisa. Compañeros y compañeras, ¿cuáles son sus deseos reales? ¿estar sentados en un bar, la mirada distante y vacía, aburrido, bebiendo un insípido café? O quizás volarlo o prenderle fuego”…
The angry brigade.

Continue reading Una Bomba, una bicicleta y un revólver. (2009)

Revolt of the Savages: Primitive Revolts Against Civilization


Kevin Tucker

In ‘The Rising of the Barbarians’ (Green Anarchy #13), the author lays out very clearly his influences for his ‘revolutionary perspective’ in order to draw out exactly where his lines of solidarity lie. I can respect his clarity on the subject, but I think it demands an equal response on my own part.
Continue reading Revolt of the Savages: Primitive Revolts Against Civilization

La insurrección y su doble


Al distinguir el verdadero romanticismo del falso, Victor Hugo observó que todo pensamiento auténtico es espiado por un inquietante doble siempre al acecho, siempre a punto para fundirse con el original. Personaje de asombrosa plasticidad que juega con las semejanzas para recabar algunos aplausos sobre el escenario, este doble tiene la singular capacidad de transformar el azufre en agua bendita y hacer que sea aceptado por el público más recalcitrante. También la insurrección moderna, la que gustosamente prescinde de los Comités Centrales y los Sol dell’Avvenire, tiene que vérselas con su sombra,  con su parásita, con un clásico que la imita, que lleva sus colores, se viste con sus ropas, recoge sus migajas.
Continue reading La insurrección y su doble

Greece: Open letter from ex-prisoner Chrisovalantis Pouziaritis ahead of his appeal trial on 18.10.2013


My name is Chrisovalantis Pouziaritis, and I’m one of those arrested on December 6th, 2009—sad first anniversary of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos.

I was caught while walking out of the Thessaloniki university campus. Even though I had nothing incriminating on me (backpack, hood, etc.), two anti-riot squadrons pounced on me and started to beat me. Once they took all their hatred out on me, they transferred me to the Thessaloniki police headquarters, where I was charged with the well-known tactics of the Greek police—we all recall fabricated charges such as ‘shampoos turned into Molotovs’ (case of Marios Zervas), the ‘student in pajamas’ (detained after police planted on him a backpack containing Molotovs), the suspect taken into custody only for wearing ‘green shoes,’ or the ‘zardiniera case’ (when cops beat up Avgoustinos Dimitriou and later claimed he fell on his own on a flower stand)…

After my treatment by the police, the Greek Justice was next. In my trial, I was sentenced to 9 years and 3 months imprisonment and, naturally, once again the court felt that my own defense witnesses were less trustworthy than the cops who constructed a false indictment against me and dubbed me the ‘leader of anarchists’!

I stayed in prison for more than 18 months, until my request for interruption of serving sentence was finally granted, and so I was released under restrictive conditions in the summer of 2011.

Those who have seen firsthand the violence of these mechanisms, those who have experienced the cruelty of prison cells, those who resist the judicial arbitrariness and its horror are the ones who can understand me and stand by my side. I thank them in advance.

Chrisovalantis Pouziaritis

The appeal trial will take place on Friday, October 18th, 2013 at 9am in the court of Thessaloniki.



The Insurrection and Its Double


In distinguishing true romanticism from sham, Victor Hugo observed how all authentic thought had a disquieting double on the watch for it, always lying in wait, always quick to interpose itself for the original. A character of astounding plasticity that plays on similarities in order to gather some applause on the stage, this double has the specific ability to transform sulfur into holy water and to make the most reluctant public accept it. Modern insurrection, the one that is glad to do without Central Committees and the Sun of the Future, also finds itself reckoning with its shadow, with its parasite, with its classic that imitates it, that wears its colors and clothes, that sweeps up its crumbs.

On the wave of the media clamor that made it a best-seller in France, The Coming Insurrection is now also available in an Italian version.
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Septiembre Negro (2009)


En varias poblaciones y sectores ya hemos visto como los órganos represivos del Estado ya han comenzado a actuar frente al próximo 11 de septiembre. Ya se comienzan a copar algunas poblaciones, a allanar casas en los sectores populares, a realizar masivos controles de identidad, a hacer seguimientos posibles manifestantes, etc. Por otro lado, la maquinaria ideológica del capitalismo se centra en lo “traumático” del Golpe Militar, repitiendo una y otra vez el bombardeo a la Moneda, y llenándonos de discursos de personeros de gobierno y personajes varios que nos hacen el llamado: “para que nunca más en Chile”.
Continue reading Septiembre Negro (2009)