Tag Archives: 2010
Nosotrxs, Lxs Antidesarrollistas.
Nota: Al final del texto esta el link dejado por lxs compas de Editorial Germinal para descargar el libro Perspectivas Antidesarrollistas de Miguel Amoros. Aprovechamos de saludar y agradecer a lxs compas por el PDF para descargar.
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Letter from Aris Seirinidis (2010)
From Liberación Total (July 4, 2010):
In a period of intensification of class conflict, the state—through a methodically conducted police, judicial, and media operation beginning directly after my arrest on the afternoon of May 3, 2010—has managed to turn me into a hostage. Alternately comical and scientific, the set-up as well as the handling of my “case” makes this criminal prosecution feel twice as exemplary.
Continue reading Letter from Aris Seirinidis (2010)
Insurrectionary Anarchism in Mexico 2010
A zine to disseminate information from the Anarchist & Animal / Earth Liberation movements in Mexico to the English Speaking world. Includes texts, communiques and actions from Insurrectionary Anarchist cells in Mexico from 2010.
Link here:
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:“Los ataques sostenidos a la paz social de los ricos van a continuar”
Marcelo Villarroel, desde la CAS:
Desde la Cárcel de Alta Seguridad, Marcelo Villarroel -un ex lautarista formalizado por el asalto al banco Security en que murió el cabo de Carabineros Luis Moyano, en octubre de 2007- aceptó contestar parte de un largo cuestionario que le mandamos hace algunas semanas. Villarroel, que ya estuvo preso en el mismo lugar en los 90, formó parte del colectivo Kamina Libre, que hoy es sindicado por el fiscal Alejandro Peña como uno de los orígenes del “Caso Bombas”. Acá, con la incomodidad de responder un cuestionario, explica qué es ser anarquista y cómo fue su evolución ideológica.
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Some biographical notes. From the Solidarity Initiative in Athens, March 2010
Some biographical notes. From the Solidarity Initiative in Athens, March 2010
Alfredo Maria Bonnano was born in 1937 in Catania, Sicily. In October 1972 he was arrested, convicted and imprisoned in Catania prison for subversive action, because of some articles that were published in Sinistra Libertaria, a publication that was born out of an assembly of people from struggles that were happening in many different cities in Italy. During that period and the years that followed, he participated with thousands of other fighters in the multiform and widespread insurrectional wave, the storming of the heavens that was to sweep through the Italian peninsula with a unique, for European postwar standards, density and intensity.
Continue reading Some biographical notes. From the Solidarity Initiative in Athens, March 2010