Tag Archives: 2012

Sin banderas Ni Fronteras, edición impresa # 2 + # 1 + Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras comunicados

sin fronteras ni banderas n 1 2

Desde Mayo circulando en las calles de Santiago de Chile, en ferias de publicaciones, en Biblioteca la Hiedra  (Portales con Cueto, Barrio Yungay**, Metro Quinta Normal) y próximamente en distribuidora Sarri Sarri (San Ignacio #75 local 31).

Dedicado a Luciano Pitronello, a los/as últimos/as secuestrads/as por el Estado Italiano (especialmente a los/as compas del blog Culmine) y a Mario Lopez, compañero anarquista herido y apresado en México tras detonarle el artefacto explosivo que portaba en su mochila. Solidaridad activa ya!
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‘Criminalising Children In The Care System’ by John Bowden (UK) 2012


June 11th Day of Solidarity with long-term prisoner John Bowden called by ABC Leeds.

Criminalising the behaviour of working class children and feeding them into the Criminal Justice System is a practice that has existed for generations and is now responsible for Britain having the unenviable reputation of Europe’s worst jailer of children in terms of the numbers imprisoned.
Continue reading ‘Criminalising Children In The Care System’ by John Bowden (UK) 2012

Dichiarazione di Jose Rodríguez nel processo contro Lotta Rivoluzionaria ad Atene (13.9.2012) it/es/gr


La guerriglia è una forma di lotta contro l’ordine stabilito che viene da lontano. Nello stato spagnolo è ben conosciuta con quel nome dai tempi della dittatura del generale Franco.
Continue reading Dichiarazione di Jose Rodríguez nel processo contro Lotta Rivoluzionaria ad Atene (13.9.2012) it/es/gr

Statement of solidarity by the anarchist revolutionary organization Conspiracy Cells of Fire which was read during the second trial of the Halandri case on 2/3/12 by Damiano Bolano.-Athens (en/it/gr)


translate by boubourAs/actforfreedomnow! with respect and revolutionary solidarity
Continue reading Statement of solidarity by the anarchist revolutionary organization Conspiracy Cells of Fire which was read during the second trial of the Halandri case on 2/3/12 by Damiano Bolano.-Athens (en/it/gr)