Tag Archives: 2015

„Wenn Wegschauen tötet“ – Vortrag zum NSU


Der Abschlussbericht des Thüringer Untersuchungsausschusses zum „Nationalsozialistischen Untergrund“ hat bundesweit für Aufsehen gesorgt. Der „Verdacht gezielter Sabotage“ kann laut den Mitgliedern des Ausschusses nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Den „Sicherheitsbehörden“ wird bei der Fahndung nach dem untergetauchten NSU-Kerntrio „Versagen auf ganzer Linie” bescheinigt.
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Afiche en solidaridad con lxs compas secuestradxs por el estado e$pañol


Un pequeño gesto de solidaridad con ls compañers que hoy se encuentran en las mazmorras de un estado cómplice del capitalismo que nos pretende imponer su forma de vida y de relacionarnos, un abrazo cómplice para ls compañers en el mundo que llevan a la práctica aquel mundo nuevo que deseamos sacar de nuestros corazones indómitos, rebeldes, subversivos y traerlo al mundo asqueroso y contaminado por la lógica mercantil.QUE LAS ACCIONES REBELDES Y LIBERTARIAS SE EXPANDAN POR EL MUNDO COMO LA PESTE, QUE LA POLVORA SE UNA CON EL FUEGO PARA DESTRUIR CADA EDIFICIO Y CENTIMETRO CEMENTO, CADA AVANZE DE LA URBE.
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UK Antifascism: 2014 highlights, upcoming events


This past year has been a busy one for antifascists in the UK, seeing many successful counter-mobilisations against the far-right, resulting in swathe of victories for antifascists. The year began with a bang when Hungarian fascist party Jobbik attempted to hold a meeting in London in January. Kicking off the year, literally, with direct physical confrontation, multiple tube stations were blockaded whilst militant antifascists chased them around London. Well-aimed boots drove these fascists to retreat and cower in fear in an Indian restaurant, making them think twice about meeting in London again.
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Cardiff: 2 anti-militarists up in court on Tuesday



Two anti-militarists are up in court this coming week, having been accused of disrupting last year’s DPRTE arms fair in Cardiff. The pair are due to stand trial on Tuesday 6th January 2015 at Cardiff Magistrates Court and could potentially face custodial sentences.

They are accused of damaging the luxury goods of DPRTE arms dealers and organisers -including a £400 suit and a £200 pair of designer shoes – with childrens play paint.
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[POA] Saiu a programação do Solidariedade a flor da pele 3ra edição Porto Alegre


Já foram duas edições do Solidariedade à Flor da Pele, o primeiro realizado em novembro de 2013 em Porto Alegre e o segundo em junho de 2014 em Pelotas, sendo encontros produtivos e que nos estimularam a seguir esta experimentação. Vivemos um momento conturbado de pós-copa e de eleições nacionais, onde a máscara da paz social neste país finge esconder todos os processos repressivos, os abusos de poderes contra xs pobres e todo o esquema de saqueio da Terra e seus bens naturais se intensificam, de maneira oculta mas progressiva. Por isso, e por todo nosso desejo de liberdade e de destruição das estruturas de domínio, é que existe a necessidade da continuidade de eventos/espaços de discussão e prática.
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aperitivo bellavita dibattito sul kurdistan @ Barocchio squat, Torino


Venerdi 9 Gennaio 2015

MED Centro Culturale Curdo e tùrinsquatter sans frontieres:

dalle 19:00:aperitivo bellavita (porta ciò che vuoi condividere).

Dalle 21: dibattito sul Kurdistan, proiezione di foto e video e discussione iniziative future a sostegno del popolo kurdo.
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Saint-Denis (93): concert de soutien au centre social auto-organisé Attiéké le vendredi 9 janvier 2015


Avec Attiéké All Star Band, Les fils Burrough, Ni por la patria et Mary Belle, à 19h. Prix libre.

Au Centre social auto-organisé « Attiéké »
31 blvd Marcel Sembat, 93200 Saint-Denis (métro L13 Porte de Paris ou Gare de Saint-Denis)
Contact :31marcelsembat@@@riseup.net
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Direct Action, Leipzig

Leipzig: Deutsche Bank stoned in solidarity with anarchists arrested in Operation Pandora


In solidarity with anarchists arrested in Spain, we wrecked the Deutsche Bank branch in Leipzig.
On the 16th December 2014 in Spain, different police forces conducted coordinated raids in 12 apartments, resulting in 11 anarchists arrested. One of the pretexts for why the raids took place was that the accused had destroyed cashpoints.
We stand in solidarity with those affected by the state repression and thus destroyed the cashpoints and broke the windows of Deutsche Bank situated in Lindenauer Markt.
Some are affected – we are all concerned!
We support the call for violence for the 31st December 2014.
Source – Contra Info
Translated from French; originally in German from Linksunten Indymedia.
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