Tag Archives: Amelie

Aggiornamenti sul caso di Amelie, Fallon e Carlos, sequestratx nelle carceri di Città del Messico


La sera del 5 gennaio 2014, verso le 22.30, avviene un attacco simultaneo al Ministero di Comunicazioni e Trasporti e a una concessionaria Nissan, nella zona sud di Città del Messico. In seguito a questi fatti vengono arrestate tre persone, due ragazze canadesi, Amelie Pelletier e Fallon Poisson e un compagno messicano, Carlos Lopez, detto “il Chivo”.

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Solidarity zine in English with letters and communiqués about Amélie, Fallon, and Carlos (the 5E3 anarchist prisoners in Mexico City)


(…) Perhaps the words of Fallon, Amélie, and Carlos will inspire you to build friendships based on trust and affinity, to have each others’ backs, and to translate your own rage against the world of prisons and police and borders into actions. As Carlos “El Chivo” wrote, “I know that anarchist solidarity is strong like an oak tree, and that always goes farther than simple words.” And as anarchists everywhere never cease to remind us: it’s easy to attack.

Somewhere between Mexico City and Montréal, March 2014

Click here for PDF.
