Tag Archives: Bolivia

La Paz, Bolivie : communiqué d’Henry Zegarrundo depuis la prison de San Pedro


La terreur cherche à s’imposer à travers la persécution, la répression et l’emprisonnement de ceux qui sortent de son idéologie de la peur, idéologie renforcée par les moyens de « communication », idéologie renforcée par ceux qui l’acceptent servilement malgré leurs désaccords.
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Bolivia: Interview with Henry, the dignified comrade accused in FAI case – 2013 [pdf] en/es


from solidaridadnegra, transl waronsociety:

Note from Solidaridad Negra: Thanks to some comrades who were able to travel from one city to another to visit the comrade Henry Zegarrundo, we were able to do an interview with him. To overcome the difficulties they carried out the interview during two visits, the first of which we made the proposal and left him the written interview so that he could respond in the same way. The second visit was to get his written responses and also share opinions-criterion about the repressive situation and about the solidarity of the anarchist-libertarian circles, collectives and movement.

Continue reading Bolivia: Interview with Henry, the dignified comrade accused in FAI case – 2013 [pdf] en/es

Letter of comrade Henry Zegarrundo from the prison of San Pedro (La Paz, Bolivia) 2012



Sitting on the bedstead that has become one of the places where I can read and write, I decided to put the worries in my head into words. The bustle from the approximately 50 prisoners with whom I share this space takes over the surroundings; a faint light is shed on this piece of paper where I write to give way to these words, which decided to break the silence by alluding to the informants.
Continue reading Letter of comrade Henry Zegarrundo from the prison of San Pedro (La Paz, Bolivia) 2012

Hablando de chivatxs (2012) es/en/fr


Nota de Solidaridad Negra

Saludamos el gesto y recalcamos una decision que a nuestro parecer tiene bastante importancia y consecuencias: las tribunas virtuales deben discernir sobre que publicar y que no. Pretender una “pluralidad informativa” para nosotros equivale a dar cabida a posturas con las cuales estamos completamente en desacuerdo.
Continue reading Hablando de chivatxs (2012) es/en/fr