Tag Archives: ch

Genève: Police et fascistes, c’est l’amour fou!


Aujourd’hui, mardi 10 mars 2015 à 17h30, avait lieu à Genève un rassemblement contre l’expulsion d’un requérant d’asile blessé lors de l’incendie du foyer des Tattes en novembre dernier. 300 personnes étaient réunies devant les bureaux du Conseiller d’État en charge de la sécurité, Pierre Maudet, à la Place de la Taconnerie au cœur de la vieille ville. Après que les discours se sont succédés devant une banderole condamnant les renvois forcés de réfugiés, quelques manifestants ont quitté la place et se sont faits contrôlés par la police – alors même que le rassemblement était autorisé. Les manifestants décident alors de partir de manière groupée par la Grand Rue pour éviter tout abus de pouvoir policier.
Continue reading Genève: Police et fascistes, c’est l’amour fou!

Marco Camenisch: İsyankar bir hayat







Genel bilgi:

Şu an Isviçre’deki nükleer santral sayısı 5, bunlar Isviçre’nin 7 milyonluk nüfusunun ve kapitalist işyerlerinin elektrik ihtiyacının %40’ını gideriyor. ONLINE OKU /İNDİRKapitalistlerin ihtiyaçları gittikçe yükseldiği için, yeni nükleer santrallerin kurulması ülkenin güncel politikasında yer alıyor. Elektrik şirketleri yeni santral kurmak için devletten izin istediler.
Continue reading Marco Camenisch: İsyankar bir hayat

Lausanne: Attack against the windows of EVAM


At the end of this weekend [21st-22nd February 2015] we covered the windows of a branch of EVAM (who are establishing a migrants reception centre facility at the Canton of Vaud), with slogans such as “evicting migrants”, “solidarity with immigrants” and other messages.
Some paint bombs, a burst of motivation and there we go; another attack against the deportation machine and the rotten vultures who earn their daily living by destroying the lives of hundreds of migrant people.
At Lausanne, like everywhere else, this type of attack against the cogs of the eviction machine is frequent.

No nation no country, long live anarchy.


Italy: Eco-anarchists Billy, Silvia and Costa are on trial again 23 April 2015



Five years have passed since we were arrested in Switzerland when police at a checkpoint on the Albis pass, Canton of Zurich, found explosives, propane gas canisters, petrol cans and several copies of a claim by Switzerland Earth Liberation Front in the car we were in. The target of the proposed attack was the Binning and Rohrer Nanotechnology Centre, a structure that was under construction at the time, property of IBM in collaboration with ETH, the Federal Polytechnic of Zurich.
Continue reading Italy: Eco-anarchists Billy, Silvia and Costa are on trial again 23 April 2015

Solidarietà e amore – Marco Camenisch, una vita ribelle


Alla vigilia delle due giornate di solidarietà internazionale con Marco Camenisch,
un compagno della Cassa Antirep delle Alpi Occidentali ne ripercorre la biografia di 
rivoluzionario, dalle lotte degli anni 70  agli ultimi vent'anni trascorsi in un' autentica odissea 
carceraria, iniziata in Italia e che sta continuando in Svizzera, fino alle sue  ultime vicende 
 Continue reading Solidarietà e amore – Marco Camenisch, una vita ribelle