Transcribimos parte de un mensaje de correo electrónico donde una compañera que mantiene contacto con Javi nos cuenta por encargo suyo los motivos de la decisión que ha tomado: desde que fue trasladado a raíz de su huelga de hambre del año pasado a la cárcel de Puerto III y aunque había empezado a salir de permiso, su situación ha vuelto a empeorar mucho.
Continue reading Javier Guerrero Carvajal En Huelga De Hambre Y Sed En La Cárcel De Puerto III
Tag Archives: communique
Responsibility Claim 3/3/2016, for the attack at the State Legal Council (Akadimias street and Zoodohou Pigis) – Athens – Greece
Responsibility Claim
Today, 3/3/2016, we attacked the State Legal Council (Akadimias street
and Zoodohou Pigis). The windows were smashed and paint as well as
flyers were thrown, as first response to the sentences imposed by the
terror-court of Koridallos prisons on those accused in the 2nd trial of
the Revolutionary Struggle:
Nikos Maziotis: life, 126 years and a 20000 euro fine.
Pola Roupa: 11 years for the misdemeanors. The felonies will be tried if
and when she is arreseted.
Continue reading Responsibility Claim 3/3/2016, for the attack at the State Legal Council (Akadimias street and Zoodohou Pigis) – Athens – Greece
Porto Alegre: Arson attack against a Santander bank in solidarity with Monica, Francisco & CCF (Brazil)
On the night of March 9, we placed an incendiary device at the Santander bank branch on Ramiro Barcelos street. Our incentive to conspire and then carry out the attack was solidarity and complicity with anarchists behind bars who endure days and days of incarceration but still hold their heads high, proud of their ideas and convictions.
In response to the call for solidarity with the compas Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar we organized ourselves so that our desire to express solidarity became a fire to reach the companeros who are facing a trial in which they face 44 years in prison, accused of terrorism and particularly an attack on the Basilica of the Pillar in Barcelona.
Continue reading Porto Alegre: Arson attack against a Santander bank in solidarity with Monica, Francisco & CCF (Brazil)
Paquete-bomba dirigido a un director de una empresa minera es desactivado. Mexicali, Mexico.
El 17 de febrero del 2016 una Carta bomba dirigida al gerente general de la Compañía Minera de Sonora, Francisco Javier Albelais Boido, fue localizada tirada en el bulevar Lázaro Cárdenas por un empleado de la planta de bombeo ubicada en la falda norte del cerro El Centinela, a donde se llevó el sobre y acudieron las autoridades, civiles y militares a tomar nota del hecho.
Continue reading Paquete-bomba dirigido a un director de una empresa minera es desactivado. Mexicali, Mexico.
Santiago, Chile: Bomba de ruido contra empresa consecionaria de autopistas
“Esta coordinación silenciosa, instintiva y solidaria no solo provoca un incomodo en la vida normalizada de distintos puntos del mundo, sino que fortalece nuestros lazos que dejan claro que no existen fronteras, que no necesitamos cabecillas ni estructuras verticales para atacar varias rejas de la misma jaula”.
Continue reading Santiago, Chile: Bomba de ruido contra empresa consecionaria de autopistas
[Greece] Open letter of Pola Roupa about the attempt to break Nikos Maziotis out of Koridallos prison
Below is the first part of the comrade’s long letter; originally published in Greek on Athens IMC (March 8th 2016).
Under other circumstances, this text would be written by Revolutionary Struggle. However, the outcome of the attempt to break out the comrade Nikos Maziotis of Koridallos prison obliges me to speak personally.
Continue reading [Greece] Open letter of Pola Roupa about the attempt to break Nikos Maziotis out of Koridallos prison
Comunicado del compañero Juan Flores en solidaridad con Monica, francisco y la Conspiración de Celulas del Fuego
Un saludo fraterno y en revuelta, a todxs mis kompañerxs ke resisten de manera rebelde e insurrecta el cautiverio y la kotidianidad de la sociedad civilizada.
Se me vuelve imposible no manifestarme por aquellos individuos, núcleos, organizaciones informales y afines, ke hoy enfrentan, en distintos puntos del territorio dominado, el espectáculo judicial, los tribunales teatrales y claramente la prision, pesando sobre todxs acusaciones antiterroristas, pertenencia a organizaciones criminales y conspiraciones con fines terroristas…
Continue reading Comunicado del compañero Juan Flores en solidaridad con Monica, francisco y la Conspiración de Celulas del Fuego
Brazil: Arson attack against a Santander bank branch in Porto Alegre
On the night of March 9, we placed an incendiary device at the Santander bank branch on Ramiro Barcelos street. Our incentive to conspire and then carry out the attack was solidarity and complicity with anarchists behind bars who endure days and days of incarceration but still hold their heads high, proud of their ideas and convictions.
Continue reading Brazil: Arson attack against a Santander bank branch in Porto Alegre
Ultima Hora: el compañero Joaquín García golpea al miserable Álvaro Corbalan
Seguimos en pie, en esta trinchera no hemos muerto.
-Joaquin Garcia-
Continue reading Ultima Hora: el compañero Joaquín García golpea al miserable Álvaro Corbalan
Attack on the French Institute in Athens in solidarity with the persecuted migrants in Calais, against the evacuation of the Jungle!
Communiqué in Greek via Athens IMC.
English translation received March 12th 2016:
On March the 2nd we attacked the French Institute in Athens with molotov bombs. With this action we send a message of class solidarity to the persecuted migrants and fighters who struggle against the French state. The French Institute portrays the hypocrisy of the French Republic where behind the unfulfilled revolutionary slogan Freedom-Equality-Fraternity lurks the brutality of capitalist domination.
Continue reading Attack on the French Institute in Athens in solidarity with the persecuted migrants in Calais, against the evacuation of the Jungle!