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Civitavecchia – FAI / FRI communique for attack on the court


We receive anonymously and spread:
 My heart abhors and defies
The powerful of the earth,
my arm makes war on the cowardly oppressor
(Rebel Love – Pietro Gori)
 We are living in a state of permanent global war, the perpetual war between oppressors, we know it and we know the main and secondary characters of dominion. Above all the oppressed know it, those who suffer arbitrary power over their lives.
 Right now we are witnessing the passage of tanks and military in the streets of the rich and opulent West, the increase in controls and garrisons in defence of the order of commerce and consumption, the militarization of the territory.
 Changes that strike even the most dormant minds, but which the strategy of global control will try to make us digest.

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