by Don LaCoss
Egyptian surrealism broke above ground in late 1937 in Cairo, midwifed through the efforts of Georges Henein, Ramsīs Yūnān, Kāmil al-Tilmisāni, and the brothers Fu’ad and Anwar Kāmil. Throughout the Second World War, the group attracted the involvement of native Egyptians and European expatriates; they propagated a program for the revolutionary defense of the imagination, free expression, and social freedom. Their approach was consistent with ever other surrealist group in the world: a challenging blend of libertarian anti-capitalism, Freudian theories of the unconscious, and wild, poetic subversions of the sort found in the pages of Rimbaud and Lautréamont.

Ramses Younane
A livello culturale, la borghesia ha lavorato per sostituire la fede cieca con la ragione analitica razionale. Ma la glorificazione della ragione, il discernimento, e la perspicacia commerciale plasmano la vita in un sistema meccanico tecnologico che non permette il capriccio dell’immaginazione ed il piacere di uno spirito libero. Gli istinti naturali e i sentimenti profondi la cui natura è di ricercare il piacere vengono sfruttati e distorti dalla battaglia commerciale e dalla lotta competitiva o attraverso gli inni militari e le urla isteriche con cui i governi dittatoriali e coloniali sono soliti destare il proprio popolo.
Continue reading Cosa viene dopo la logica della ragione? →

Dear Friends
With the last contact we had with Egyptian Anarchists, they are in an emergency situation.
Fascist military regime of Al Sisi / Mubarak more aggressively seeking to arrest all anarchists and any other radical left activists.
Continue reading Widespread Arrests of Anarchists & Radical Left Activists In Egypt →
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