Tag Archives: Emma Goldman

La palabra como arma – Emma Goldman


Emma Goldman (Kowno 1869/Toronto 1940) sera considerada durante mas de 30 años como el enemigo publico numero uno en los Estados Unidos, no por cometer actos violentos, sino por utilizar el arma mas peligrosa que esta a mano de todo ser humano: la razón.

Prolifica en sus escritos, hemos querido recoger en castellano algunos de sus textos mas significativos, intentando rescatar del olvido de la historia a esta mujer, tan fundamental en el devenir del movimiento anarquista.

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Mi mayor decepción con la Revolución Rusa


La idea del Estado, el principio autoritario, se encuentra en bancarrota tras la experiencia de la Revolución Rusa. Si tuviese que resumir mi argumento completo en una frase, diría: La tendencia inherente del Estado es a concentrar, reducir y monopolizar todas las actividades sociales; la naturaleza de la revolución es, por el contrario, crecer, ensancharse y diseminarse en círculos cada vez más amplios. En otras palabras, el Estado es institucional y estático; la revolución es fluida y dinámica. Estas dos tendencias son incompatibles y mutuamente destructivas. La idea del estado asesinó a la Revolución Rusa y deberá tener el mismo resultado en todas las otras revoluciones, a menos de que prevalezca la idea libertaria.
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The Philosophy of Atheism


by Emma Goldman

To give an adequate exposition of the Philosophy of Atheism, it would be necessary to go into the historical changes of the belief in a Deity, from its earliest beginning to the present day. But that is not within the scope of the present paper. However, it is not out of place to mention, in passing, that the concept God, Supernatural Power, Spirit, Deity, or in whatever other term the essence of Theism may have found expression, has become more indefinite and obscure in the course of time and progress. In other words, the God idea is growing more impersonal and nebulous in- proportion as the human mind is learning to understand natural phenomena and in the degree that science progressively correlates human and social events.
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My Further Disillusionment with Russia

Emma Goldman Speaks At Union Square

Emma Goldman

The STATE IDEA, the authoritarian principle, has been proven bankrupt by the experience of the Russian Revolution. If I were to sum up my whole argument in one sentence I should say: The inherent tendency of the State is to concentrate, to narrow, and monopolize all social activities; the nature of revolution is, on the contrary, to grow, to broaden, and disseminate itself in ever-wider circles.
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Early in May two young men from the Ukraina arrived in Petrograd. Both had lived in America for a number of years and had been active in the Yiddish Labour and Anarchist movements. One of them had also been editor of an English weekly Anarchist paper, The Alarm, published in Chicago. In 1917, at the outbreak of the Revolution, they left for Russia together with other emigrants.
Continue reading A VISIT FROM THE UKRAINA Emma Goldman

La vérité sur les bolcheviks



traduit par Yves Coleman


(Brochure publiée par Mother Earth en 1918, inédite en français.)

Ce texte est ma dernière contribution avant de rejoindre la prison de Jefferson City, Missouri, pour deux ans. Je le dédie aux bolcheviks de Russie en hommage à leur œuvre glorieuse et à la façon dont leur exemple inspire l’essor du bolchevisme en Amérique.
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