Tag Archives: france

Contro le Patrie – Laurent Tailhade (+ bibliografia)


Laurent Tailhade

Sarebbe un errore credere che la religione soltanto abbrutisca gli intelletti e disonori i costumi, perché l’ignominia umana può scendere ancora di qualche grado. L’uomo civilizzato può cadere più in basso ancora dell’ultimo cannibale, al di sotto pure del bruto e dell’animale più infimo. Se egli aggiunge all’esecrabile idea di Dio l’idea buffona e scellerata di patria, non gli resta più nulla da conquistare nell’ambito della bestialità.
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¿Por qué he robado? Texto de inculpación de Marius Jacob (1905)


Del 8 al 22 de marzo de 1905, tiene lugar en la audiencia de Amiens (Francia) el proceso contra los trabajadores de la noche detenidos desde 1903, detención que ponía fin a una actividad de tres años con más de 150 robos en domicilios, hoteles, castillos e iglesias.


La banda que Alexandre Jacob formara con su compañera Rose Roux, su madre Marie Berthou, o algunos otros camaradas se proponía practicar el robo de manera científica –se dividen Francia en tres partes según la red ferroviaria- no como medio de ataque contra el mundo de los poderosos o como perturbación social.
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Considerations on Nihilism (Guerre au Paradis) 2010

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We would have preferred not to feel the need to write these lines. We would rather speak of love, of freedom and fresh water, leaving aside the negative, at least for a moment. However: a spectre haunts the revolutionary tension, the spectre of nihilism.

Not the “classical” nihilism, represented by Nechaev and his like of the 19th century. Though maybe we can detect similarities, see a continuity between the old and the new manifestations of this attitude.
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It’s been four years since Zoé died (en/es/it/fr) 2012


from non-fides

Four years. Difficult to know if it’s four years already or just four years. Four years and a long mourning which has only just begun several years after her death, after those who justice found necessary to punish directly for the accident which cost Zoé her life finished the prison sentences which they had been assigned, after those who remained outside prison were no longer listened in on, tailed, photographed, filmed, intimidated.
Continue reading It’s been four years since Zoé died (en/es/it/fr) 2012