Anthologie de textes courts – Fredy Perlman
224 pages – format 11,8 cm x 17,5 cm
6€ (4€ à partir de 5 ex.).
Frais de port : 2€ pour un ex. + 1€ par ex. supplémentaire
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Fredy Perlman
Escape from death in a gas chamber or a Pogrom, or incarceration in a concentration camp, may give a thoughtful and capable writer, Solzhenitsyn for example, profound insights into many of the central elements of contemporary existence, but such an experience does not, in itself, make Solzhenitsyn a thinker, a writer, or even a critic of concentration camps; it does not, in itself, confer any special powers. In another person the experience might lie dormant as a potentiality, or remain forever meaningless, or it might contribute to making the person an ogre. In short, the experience is an indelible part of the individual’s past but it does not determine his future; the individual is free to choose his future; he is even free to choose to abolish his freedom, in which case he chooses in bad faith and is a Salaud (J.P. Sartre’s precise philosophical term for a person who makes such a choice [The usual English translation is ‘Bastard’]).
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Fredy Perlman (1983)
Escape from death in a gas chamber or a Pogrom, or incarceration in a concentration camp, may give a thoughtful and capable writer, Solzhenitsyn for example, profound insights into many of the central elements of contemporary existence, but such an experience does not, in itself, make Solzhenitsyn a thinker, a writer, or even a critic of concentration camps; it does not, in itself, confer any special powers.
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Fredy Perlman
Nel corso di questo secolo la morte del nazionalismo è stata proclamata a differenti riprese:
– dopo la prima guerra mondiale, con la frantumazione in nazioni autodeterminate degli ultimi imperi europei: l’Austriaco e il Turco; e con la fine di ogni nazionalismo ad eccezione di quello dei sionisti;
Continue reading Il richiamo costante del nazionalismo →
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