Gli interventi rovinosi che si commettono oggigiorno non sono affatto talmente evidente in nessun altro campo che proprio in quello della vita stessa. Che è il medico ad avere l’accesso più immediato alla vita, questo fatto è indiscusso. Poiché ciò che appare sotto forma di vita è la malattia. E con il pretesto della malattia, il medico interviene su tutti i campi: rovinando, distruggendo e estirpando la vita. Il Capitale organizzato sotto forma di Stato gli fornisce la legittimazione per rovinare la vita. Mascherando questi interventi rovinosi con l’aureola del SALUS [HEIL] [cf.: salute, salvazione, santuario, integrità; cf. il saluto tedesco ai tempi di Hitler: HEIL! e il saluto dei Romani: SALVE!], il medico, come la sua costellazione centrale al firmamento, esercita il suo potere di governo interferendo in tutti gli affari [hineinregiert] tanto nel cielo quanto nell’inferno, in tutti i tempi e in tutte le civiltà.
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Tag Archives: germany
URGENT: Hambacher Forest Eviction Alert!
Anti-Coal Mining Fight continues in the Rhineland in the Hambacher Forest for the 4th consecutive year with direct action, forest barricades, and three treesits/treehouse occupations: Oaktown, Beechtown, F*ck Off, and Death Trap. Sending a message to those engaging in exploitation of natural resources in the form of brown coal and other fossil fools that their destruction of natural habitats such as Hambacher Forest and ensuing global mercury and cadmium emissions combined with CO2 dumping and its global climate chaos effects will not be tolerated.
Continue reading URGENT: Hambacher Forest Eviction Alert!
30. April 2016 Überregionale Demonstration
30. April 2016
Überregionale Demonstration
Breite Solidarität gegen Rassismus und Repression!
Die Stadt gehört allen!
18 Uhr Schanzenstraße / Ecke Bartelsstraße Hamburg
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Germany / Europe: Update on Aachen repression
In July 2015 our friend and comrade got arrested at a passport control at the Greek-Bulgarian border. The Europe-wide arrest warrant against her had been issued by the prosecution office of Aachen, Germany, on the 24th of June 2015. In Germany she got locked up under the ‘U-haft‘ (Untersuchungshaft) regime in Cologne because of a presumed involvement in an armed bank robbery that had taken place two years earlier (2013). On the 2nd December 2015, after months of investigation the prosecution formally charged her with bank robbery, hostage taking and weapon possession. On the 16th of December, the court called the prison instructing them to release our comrade because all charges were to be dropped, since the “evidence” that months of investigation produced was not sufficient for this case to be brought to court.
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No “Day of the German Future” on 4th of June 2016 – Let’s unite to block & sabotage! (Germany)
“Day of the German Future” in Dortmund? Let’s unite to block, sabotage and prevent the neo-Nazis from marching!
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Im Rahmen des letztjährigen 1. Mais wird einer Aktivistin vorgeworfen zwei vollausgerüstete Polizisten mit einer Fahne an der Hand verletzt zu haben. Vor dem Amtsgericht wurde sie zu einer Geldstrafe verurteilt. Der Staatsanwaltschaft reicht das nicht aus und ging in Berufung. Jetzt findet der Prozess vor dem Landgericht statt.
Am Freitag, dem 8. April, ist Huba drei Tage vor der geplanten Haftprüfung entlassen worden. Nachdem seine Verlegung von Wriezen nach Aachen erst am 4.April begonnen hatte und er nicht mehr rechtzeitig zur Haftprüfung in Düren angekommen wäre, wurde er gegen Auflagen am Freitag Mittag in Hamm entlassen. Continue reading HUBA IST FREI!
Agrar-Polit-Erlebnisabend: Das Feld der Kontrolle | VoKü und Infoabend, KTS Freiburg
Infoabend&VoKü gegen die Macht der Agrarindustrie 21.04.2015 KTS Freiburg, Baslerstraße 103
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[May 1 Bonn] To a self-determined life and the emancipatory abolishment of work, capitalism, state and patriarchy!
Since more than a hundred years the first of may has been a significant day of struggle for the labour movement – it started out as the day of those people who finally wanted to achieve a better life for everyone and did no longer want to accept that they were forced to live in poverty in spite of doing their job in capitalism and working for the wealth of the society.
Continue reading [May 1 Bonn] To a self-determined life and the emancipatory abolishment of work, capitalism, state and patriarchy!
[P/HVL] Neonazikundgebung in Nauen entgegentreten!
Am Mittwoch planen die “Freien Kräfte Neuruppin – Osthavelland” eine Kundgebung in Nauen, anlässlich der Bombardierung der Stadt am 20.4.1945 durch die Alliierten, durchzuführen. Alljährlich versuchen deutschlandweit Neonazis und andere Geschichtsrevisionist_innen den Sieg über Hitlerdeutschland zu dämonisieren und die Befreiung vom Nationalsozialismus geschichtlich umzudeuten.
Continue reading [P/HVL] Neonazikundgebung in Nauen entgegentreten!