Tag Archives: germany

Berlin – Fire to Sodexo! Italian translation by eco-anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch


Italian translation by Marco Camenisch linksunten.indymedia.org
Translated into English by act for freedom now
For almost 20 years company Sodexo has been the target of people like us, who are struggling against the racist and neo-colonialist system. It started in 1997, when Sodexo offered to take on catering and other services destined to refugees in the knowledge this would result in a huge turnover. Since then Sodexo has been internationally known as a company who became a big multinational operating in many countries under low cost management, i.e. by racially reducing human life to a question of figures.
Continue reading Berlin – Fire to Sodexo! Italian translation by eco-anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch

L’occupazione della foresta di Hambach contro le miniere di carbone


Con questo post diamo avvio alla categoria del blog “La terra trama..”, in cui si parlerà di nocività e devastazioni ambientali, dei territori dove il Dominio vuole allungare i propri tentacoli mortiferi e delle lotte portate avanti da chi si oppone a questo modo di concepire l’esistente che non rispetta ma sfrutta a proprio uso e consumo (e profitto) la vita, le risorse e l’armonia degli esseri viventi, vegetali ed animali, umani e non.
Continue reading L’occupazione della foresta di Hambach contro le miniere di carbone

Reclaim and Remember Konzert



Flyer 2014

Poster 2014


23.11.2013 – 21. Jahrestag des rassistischen Brandanschlages von Mölln

anıları canlı tutma mücadelesi – das erinnern erkämpfen – reclaim and remember

Die Erinnerung zurück zu erkämpfen – an das Geschehene, an das Vergessene, an das Verschwiegene, an das unter den Teppich Gekehrte, an die Ursachen und die Folgen, an das Davor und das Danach. Diese Forderungen aus dem letzten Jahr sind aktueller denn je.
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Dortmund, Germany: Summary of the fight for the social center Avanti



Church squatted
In the evening of Friday the 22nd of August 2014, activists occupied the former St. Albertus Magnus church in Dortmund which was unused for over 7 years. Only minutes after the occupation was made public, nearly 40 supporters came to the area and held a gathering in front of the church in solidarity with the project and the squatters. Of course, it didn’t take long before the cops also arrived at the location, but they didn’t attempt to raid the building, and instead controlled the supporters outside. The next day, a priest in charge of matters of the church building spoke to the squatters and stated he will tolerate the occupation for one week. Immediately activists began to form work groups, trying to renovate the building to establish a social center.
Continue reading Dortmund, Germany: Summary of the fight for the social center Avanti

Auf zum “Build-​Re­sis­tan­ce-​Vol. 2” Skills­ha­ring Camp im Herbst vom 26.​09-06.​10.​2014.


Auf den Ham­ba­cher-​Forst-​Be­set­zun­gen wird es die­ses Jahr das zwei­te Skills­ha­ring-​Camp geben. Es soll auf dem Skills­ha­ring und der er­folg­rei­chen Wie­der­be­set­zung im Früh­jahr auf­ge­baut wer­den und lei­tet die An­ti-​Ro­dungs­kam­pa­gne “Kein Baum fällt” ein, die die ge­sam­te Sai­son über zu Ak­tio­nen ani­mie­ren und Un­ter­stüt­zung bie­ten wird. Das Camp im Herbst soll un­ter­schied­li­che The­men­ta­ge haben und dient der Stö­rung der Ro­dungs­ar­bei­ten im Ta­ge­bau­vor­feld.
Continue reading Auf zum “Build-​Re­sis­tan­ce-​Vol. 2” Skills­ha­ring Camp im Herbst vom 26.​09-06.​10.​2014.