Tag Archives: Il Proletario Giornale

Materiali di riflessione sul primo fascismo e i tentativi di opporvisi.

antifa[1].cz 8

Continuiamo a rendere disponibili vecchi e nuovi materiali di analisi e di critica radicale e sovversiva, confidando che questo possa dare continuamente nuovi spunti per operare nel quotidiano odierno contro cio` che ci affligge e contro i nostri nemici materiali, lo Stato il capitale i loro servi e cani da guardia, ed immateriali, e cioe` le nostre paure.

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Erinne Vivani 1922

Nella pallida e triste ora crepuscolare, gravida di avvenimenti comici e tragici, mentre ogni ridicola meschinità assurge a manifestazione e il delitto viene eretto a sistema di vita, ad esercitazione ginnico sportiva, mentre il sangue dei cittadini rivoluzionari e non rivoluzionari bagna le belle contrade d’Italia, l’individualismo anarchico — unica e fulgida realtà della vita e della storia — incide maestosamente e gloriosamente al di sopra di tanta putredine civile e sociale verso la gioia, verso la libertà, verso il sole.
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The Damned Song

The Damned Song by Enzo Martucci

 Enzo Martucci


rugged, brave men who furiously climbed aboard, singing the wild song of destruction and death? Why wasn’t I born in the boundless grasslands of South America, among free, fierce gauchos, who tame the fiery colt with the “lasso” and fearlessly attack the terrible jaguar?… Why? Why? The children of the night, my brothers, impatient with every law and all control, would have included me.
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Heroic Spring by Enzo Martucci


Oh!… Why wasn’t I born on a pirate ship, lost on the endless ocean, in the midst of a handful of rugged, brave men who furiously climbed aboard, singing the wild song of destruction and death? Why wasn’t I born in the boundless grasslands of South America, among free, fierce gauchos, who tame the fiery colt with the “lasso” and fearlessly attack the terrible jaguar?… Why? Why? The children of the night, my brothers, impatient with every law and all control, would have included me. These people, spirits thirsty for freedom and the infinite, would have known how to read the great book that is in my minds, un utterly marvelous poem of pain and conflict, of sublime aspirations and impossible dreams… My intellectual heritage would have been their intangible treasure, and at the clear fount of my satanic pride and eternal rebellion, they would have fortified their strength, already violently shaken by a thousand hurricanes.
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