Tag Archives: interview

First Interview of Nikos Maziotis after his arrest On 16/07/14



First Interview of Nikos Maziotis after his arrest published in the greek newspaper “Efimerida ton Sintaktion”
You are a member of Revolutionary Struggle, an armed anarchist organization. Why did you choose armed struggle as a method of action?

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Entrevista al colectivo israelí “Anarquistas Contra El Muro” (AATW).


A raíz de la construcción del muro del Apartheid que se empezó a construir entre Israel y Palestina se dió forma a Anarquistas Contra El Muro (AATW), un colectivo que desde entonces ha luchado, desde un prisma anarquista, contra la ocupación y colonización que está sufriendo el pueblo palestino. Embarcados ahora de lleno en las protestas y acciones contra la masacre que está llevando a cabo el estado israelí, sacan tiempo y nos contestan unas preguntas que nos hacen reflexionar:

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Greece- Interview with anarchist comrade Kostas Gournas by Soccorso Rosso Internazionale [International Red Aid]


From RadioAzione
Translated by act for freedom now
This is and interview that S.R.I made with Kostas Gournas, a comrade of
Revolutionary Struggle locked up in the prison of Koridallo, Athens:

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Interview with revolutionary anarchist prisoner Jerome White-Bey


When compiling a prisoner letter writing list of bios and addresses, I came across the name “Jerome White-Bey” and couldn’t find any information about him aside from his name, prison # and address, and a one sentence mention of him founding the Missouri Prison Labor Union. After exchanging a few letters, he agreed to an interview with me with the intention of it being published, and the link below is where that interview can be located. This site was also made with the intention of publishing other interviews of those currently and previously incarcerated whose cases I feel are underrepresented in the US anarchist movement.
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Intervista CCF/Alfredo Cospito



Dalle carceri greche all’ AS2 di Ferrara: Quattro parole in “ libertà”.
Intervista delle Ccf a me medesimo.

Prima di rispondere alle vostre domande voglio sottolineare che quel che dirò è la mia verità. Uno tra i tanti punti di vista, sensibilità e sfumature individuali all’interno di quel crogiolo di pensiero ed azione che va sotto il nome di Fai-Fri.

Federazione informale che, rifiutando qualsiasi tentazione egemonica, rappresenta uno strumento, un metodo di una delle componenti dell’anarchismo d’azione.

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