Tag Archives: Kurd Struggle

Turkish state keeps demolishing cemeteries of PKK guerrillas


cemetery5Turkish troops participating in an operation in the triangle area between Amed’s Lice-Hani districts and Bingöl’s Genç district have completely demolished the ‘Martyr Harun Cemetery’ in Speynî village of Lice district.

The attack by Turkish forces came during the curfew in 25 neighborhoods of Lice and Hani, which was declared on 20 November and lifted yesterday. The dimension of the offensive on the graveyard of Kurdish freedom fighters has come to light after the retreat of the troops from the operation area yesterday.
Continue reading Turkish state keeps demolishing cemeteries of PKK guerrillas

Siria. Un nuevo frente de guerra entre islamistas “moderados” y los kurdos de las YPG / YPJ en Alepo

A man rests in front of a wall decorated with religious phrases written by members of al Qaeda's Nusra Front in Aleppo's Qadi Askar neighborhood, Syria July 13, 2015. REUTERS/Abdalrhman Ismail
(A man rests in front of a wall decorated with religious phrases written by members of al Qaeda’s Nusra Front in Aleppo’s Qadi Askar neighborhood, Syria July 13, 2015. REUTERS/Abdalrhman Ismail)

“TFSRadio: Paul Z. Simons on the Dispaches from Rojava (part 2 of 3): Form, Function, Gender, and Martyr culture in the Rojava Revolution


Airs on WSFM-LP 103.3 in Asheville / streaming at AshevilleFM from 3am EST on November 30th, 2015 through December 6th, then podcasting at radio4all.net. Also airing this week on KOWA-LPFM in Olympia, WA, KWTF in Bodega Bay, CA, KXCF in Marshall, CA, and WCRS-LP Columbus Community Radio 98.3 and 102.1 FM. The show will later be archived at TheFinalStrawRadio.NoBlogs.Org.
Continue reading “TFSRadio: Paul Z. Simons on the Dispaches from Rojava (part 2 of 3): Form, Function, Gender, and Martyr culture in the Rojava Revolution

CALL FOR TRANSNATIONAL SOLIDARITY: State terror in Turkey is killing people, animals and all life in Kurdish provinces of Turkey!!!


CALL FOR TRANSNATIONAL SOLIDARITY: State terror in Turkey is killing people, animals and all life in Kurdish provinces of Turkey!!!

Please share this transnational solidarity call with anyone who could support!
Continue reading CALL FOR TRANSNATIONAL SOLIDARITY: State terror in Turkey is killing people, animals and all life in Kurdish provinces of Turkey!!!

[Turquía-Bakur] Continúan los ataques de las fuerzas del estado contra la población kurda en Bakur



Sur: se levanta el toque de queda pero continúan los ataques

AMED, 30 Noviembre – El toque de queda que fue declarado el 27 de Noviembre, terminó esta mañana pero los ataques de la policía todavía continúan en Sur.
Continue reading [Turquía-Bakur] Continúan los ataques de las fuerzas del estado contra la población kurda en Bakur



En nuestra feria de publicaciones contaremos con el folleto: Guerra social y telaraña imperialista en Siria de Proletarios Internacionalistas, publicado en octubre de 2015 y disponible también aqui. 


en la Biblioteca y Archivo Histórico-Social “Alberto Ghiraldo”
(Carriego y Marcos Paz)