Tag Archives: Kurd Struggle

[Trento] La Resistenza Curda tra guerra e rivoluzione a Nave Assillo Occupata


La guerriglia del PKK e la rivoluzione del Rojava, il conflitto con lo Stato Islamico e la lotta di liberazione delle donna, il confederalismo democratico e la guerra contro il governo turco… Scenari e prospettive di un processo rivoluzionario che sta mettendo in discussione l’intero assetto mediorientale.
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Diyarbakir Becoming Kobane (en/es)


Women in the Sûr district of Diyarbakir, where attacks by Turkish security forces have killed 9 people in recent months, have declared their intentions to take part in the self-defense of the neighborhood, saying that ‘It will be Kurdish women who destroy the AKP’s power” – reports an article from JINHA carried in Özgür Gündem. Women in the neighborhood
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Sinjar liberata dall’ISIS, vendicato il genocidio degli yezidi


Dopo più di 100 morti tra le fila dell’ISIS ed una ventina circa tra curdi e loro alleati, i violentissimi scontri delle ultime ore nella città montana di Sinjar (Shingal o Shengal in curdo) si avviano finalmente al termine – ponendo fine ad una situazione di stallo che durava da inizio anno.
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Turkey: Statement from Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF) about the Paris Massacre


On 13th of November, more than 150 people have lost their lives and tens injured in 7 different neighborhoods of Paris as a result of coordinated ISIS attacks with bombs and guns. The murderer ISIS continues its murders outside of the Middle East and Anatolia regions. The massacre which took place in Paris shows clearly that ISIS terror knows no bounds. —- We feel the massacre in Paris deeply and share your sorrow. We have lived and still living through ISIS attacks supported by the state.
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