Tag Archives: Kurd Struggle

HPG: 7 soldiers killed in Oremar and Silvan


At least 28 soldiers were verified killed and 32 others got wounded in the action conducted by guerrillas against Mermer Gendarmerie outpost located on Amed-Lice road at 21:15 yesterday evening.


People’s Defense Forces (HPG) Press Office has released a statement detailing the action conducted by guerrillas against Mermer Gendarmerie outpost located on Amed-Lice road at 21:15 yesterday evening.
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La polizia arresta padre e sorella di attivista del KJA bruciata a Cizre


18 marzo 2016

Il padre e la sorella dell’attivista del KJA (Congresso delle donne libere) Berjin Demirkaya, Mevlüt Demirkaya e Mehtap Demirkaya sono state poste in detenzione questa mattina durante una perquisizione dei soldati.Berjin Demirkaya è stata bruciata a morte in uno dei seminterrati dell’atrocità a Cizre,distretto di Şırnak.
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Il governo di Erdoğan impone il divieto alle celebrazioni del Newroz


A seguito del divieto delle celebrazioni del Newroz,il nuovo anno curdo,ad Hakkari, Urfa, Mersin, Mardin, Dersim e nel distretto di Diyarbakir si Silvan, un divieto è stato imposto anche alla celebrazione ad Istanbul.Programmato per il 20 marzo, il governatorato ha rilasciato una dichiarazione vietando le celebrazioni del Newroz.
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Two women die in police operation in Batman


Two women died during a police operation in Sağlık neighborhood of Batman province last night.


two women died during a police operation in Sağlık neighborhood of Batman province last night.

Out of the two unidentified women, one was killed by police and the other reportedly shot herself dead in Komando Street. Both died at the scene.

A number of police teams and armored vehicles were dispatched to the scene which police closed to traffic after the incident. Bodies of slain women remained on the street.

It is reported that one of these women killed herself to not surrender to police.




Kurdish Reporter Faces Jail Time in Turkey for Twitter and Facebook Posts


(On 26 July 2015, Turkish police special forces stormed Gazi Cemevi, a place of worship for Alawites, with tear gas and rifles at Istanbul’s Gazi neighbourhood. The operation aimed at confiscating the body of Günay Özarslan, who was killed in a police raid two days before. Public funerals are a form of protest for the minorities in Turkey. Photo by Hayri Tunç.)

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Sur: 4 women & 3 children arrested, 8 children sent to Child Protection Agency


AMED – For 100 days, the blockade has continued in the Sur district. According to reports received, 43 civilians have been evacuated from the town for 10 days. Four women and three children, among 43 civilians, were sent to jail, while eight children were sent to Turkish Social Service and Children Protection Institution.
Continue reading Sur: 4 women & 3 children arrested, 8 children sent to Child Protection Agency

CDU/JU office attacked in Mannheim for supporting Turkey’s AKP regime


For weeks, the Turkish army has been carrying out a new offensive in the Kurdish regions of Turkey. Cities are being bombarded with heavy weapons and a state of emergency has been imposed across the entire region. This has led to hundreds of deaths, including many civilians. The AKP-Fascist Erdogan speaks openly of annihilating the insurgent Kurdish population. Financial support comes from the EU, especially Germany. Under the leadership of Merkel, the EU has given Turkey billions of euros in aid to stop the ‘flood of refugees’ into Europe. With so much backing the AKP regime can mercilessly proceed unhindered against the Kurdish population.
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22-year-old shot in police crackdown in Amed dies

Turkish police forces have staged a crackdown on thousands in the main Kurdish city Amed who started a march from Koşuyolu Park to the central Sur district to break the siege ongoing for 88 days.

urkish police forces have staged a crackdown on thousands in the main Kurdish city Amed who started a march from Koşuyolu Park to the central Sur district to break the siege ongoing for 88 days.

22-year-old Abdullah Yılmaz whom police shot in the head in Mevlana Halit neighborhood of Bağlar district got heavily wounded as a result of the attack. People around rushed Yılmaz to a private hospital where he succumbed to the heavy injury he had sustained.
