Con esta publicación queremos realizar un breve balance sobre lo que ha acontecido en Siria desde que comenzara la sublevación proletaria en marzo de 2011. Basado en informes, discusiones, investigaciones, textos y análisis internos, que han ido circulando entre nuestros compañeros, este texto es parte de la tentativa de nuestra clase de hacer un balance de lo sucedido en esa región. Continue reading Nueva edición de Proletarios Internacionalistas sobre los acontecimientos en Siria estos últimos años→
The General Command of YPG (People’s Defense Units) has released a statement reporting an activity of unidentified planes over Jazeera region of Rojava (West Kurdistan).
Gli attacchi da parte delle forze di sicurezza contro i civili continuano a Nusaybin,distretto di Mardin,dove il coprifuoco rimane in vigore ininterrottamente per il sesto giorno.Quando l’aggressione si è intensificata nel quartiere Abdülkadirpaşa,il civile Hasan Dağ (45) ha perso la vita oggi pomeriggio dopo essere stato colpito da una pallottola di un lanciagranate sparato dalla polizia all’interno della sua abitazione in via Sirin.L’uomo non ha potuto essere portato in ospedale ed è morto sul posto. Continue reading La polizia uccide un altro civile a Nusaybin→
What a great day for Kurds and Humanity: After the liberation of the Yezidi City Shingal this morning, the Kurdish YPG Forces and their Arab & Assyrian allies have taken full control of the strategic bordertown Al-Hawl a few hours ago. ISIS supply lines between Mosul and Raqqa are cut now through these liberations! Al-Hawl is located a few kilometers to the east of Shingal thus improve the security situation of the region. In addition, the city is rich in gas and oil fields.
Happy Friday the 13th!
The Turkish state and the AKP government continue to commit military assaults in Kurdistan, cities are being destroyed, and defenceless civilians are being executed. The 12-day military curfew in Silvan left the town in ruins. Homes and businesses were deliberately targeted, burnt down, destroyed and half of the city has become uninhabitable. 15 civilians were killed during the curfew and dozens were left injured. These attacks in Silvan, were not ordinary attacks, they used tanks, cannons and helicopters. Continue reading The Turkish state continue to commit military assaults in Nusaybin→