Da più di 32 giorni l’esercito turco sta attaccando i civili con armi pesanti a Nusaybin (distretto di Mardin) nel sud della Turchia, protetto dal silenzio internazionale riguardo a quanto stia accadendo all’interno della città. Oltre a tagliare i servizi e a distruggere le case dei civili per intrappolare i combattenti curdi, come riferito dalle forze turche.
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Tag Archives: Kurdistan
YPS: 23 members of Turkish forces killed in Şırnak
23 members of Turkish state forces were killed in clashes in Şırnak province where popular resistance for self-rule against genocidal attacks endures with determination.
A statement by Civil Defense Units (YPS) said that 23 members of Turkish state forces were killed in heavy clashes in Şırnak province where popular resistance for self-rule against genocidal attacks endures with determination.
Accordingly, YPS units conducted an action against Turkish troops trying to enter Bahçelievler neighborhood in the evening of April 12. YPS reported casualties on the side of Turkish forces, adding that the results of this action will be announced later. 1 member of Turkish troops was killed and 1 drone was downed during the clashes in the same neighborhood on April 14.
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YPG/YPJ launch operation against gang groups
As ISIS groups continue to attack the town of Ayn îsa and Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood of Aleppo city, combatants of YPG /YPJ (People’s/Women’s Defense Units) have conducted an operation against gang groups.
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HPG: 17 special operation police killed in Amed
HPG said 17 members of special operation police were killed and 13 others were wounded as a result of the guerrilla action that targeted a convoy of police forces in Bağlar district of Amed yesterday.
BEHDINAN – ANFHPG (People’s Defense Forces) Press Office has released a statement detailing yesterday’s action against special operation police in Bağlar district of Amed.
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[Documental] Rojava, além da guerra
YPS: 21 members of Turkish forces killed in Şırnak, Nusaybin and Gever
21 members of Turkish forces were killed in recent actions and clashes in Gever, Şırnak and Nusaybin.
NEWS DESK – ANFThe General Coordination of YPS (Civilian Defense Units) has released a statement providing information regarding the most recent actions and clashes in Gever, Şırnak and Nusaybin. Accordingly, 21 members of Turkish forces were killed and many armored vehicles belonging to them were destroyed or damaged.
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HPG: 7 soldiers killed in Oremar and Silvan
At least 28 soldiers were verified killed and 32 others got wounded in the action conducted by guerrillas against Mermer Gendarmerie outpost located on Amed-Lice road at 21:15 yesterday evening.
People’s Defense Forces (HPG) Press Office has released a statement detailing the action conducted by guerrillas against Mermer Gendarmerie outpost located on Amed-Lice road at 21:15 yesterday evening.
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La polizia arresta padre e sorella di attivista del KJA bruciata a Cizre
18 marzo 2016
Il padre e la sorella dell’attivista del KJA (Congresso delle donne libere) Berjin Demirkaya, Mevlüt Demirkaya e Mehtap Demirkaya sono state poste in detenzione questa mattina durante una perquisizione dei soldati.Berjin Demirkaya è stata bruciata a morte in uno dei seminterrati dell’atrocità a Cizre,distretto di Şırnak.
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Il governo di Erdoğan impone il divieto alle celebrazioni del Newroz
A seguito del divieto delle celebrazioni del Newroz,il nuovo anno curdo,ad Hakkari, Urfa, Mersin, Mardin, Dersim e nel distretto di Diyarbakir si Silvan, un divieto è stato imposto anche alla celebrazione ad Istanbul.Programmato per il 20 marzo, il governatorato ha rilasciato una dichiarazione vietando le celebrazioni del Newroz.
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Kurdish Reporter Faces Jail Time in Turkey for Twitter and Facebook Posts
(On 26 July 2015, Turkish police special forces stormed Gazi Cemevi, a place of worship for Alawites, with tear gas and rifles at Istanbul’s Gazi neighbourhood. The operation aimed at confiscating the body of Günay Özarslan, who was killed in a police raid two days before. Public funerals are a form of protest for the minorities in Turkey. Photo by Hayri Tunç.)
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