Tag Archives: Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier – New Medical Emergency


The International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee received a message from Leonard this evening. An excerpt follows: “For months, if not at least a year now, I have been complaining about medical problems and that something is wrong with me… For the last few days, I have been on call out to go see the doctor. Today, I was called again and had my blood pressure taken and gave more blood for more tests. Apparently, they found what’s called Abdominal Aortic Aneurism (AAA) and it is at a very dangerous [stage]. If it bursts I can die. I will bleed to death. So they are going to rush me through some more tests, a MRI on Sunday, then find the right surgeon to do the operation. The good news is [this surgery] has a high success rate… if nothing goes wrong.”
Continue reading Leonard Peltier – New Medical Emergency

February 6 Statement from Leonard Peltier


Greetings my Friends, Relatives and Supporters:

I know I always say it this way, “ Friends, Relatives and Supporters” and all that, but in reality you are ALL my relatives. I know when we sweat lodge we always say “all my relations” and when we come out we say “all my relations” and at the end of my letters I say Mitakuye Oyasin and that means “all my relations.” I am deeply, deeply thankful for you, my relatives.
Continue reading February 6 Statement from Leonard Peltier

El Jueves, 6 De Febrero Y El Sábado, 8, Concentraciones En Barcelona Por La Libertad De Leonard Peltier


“A mis Hermanos y Hermanas en la Lucha,  Llevo detenido 37 años y, aunque mi cuerpo está empezando a fallar, mi corazón aún sigue siendo fuerte junto con las personas que están combatiendo por nuestros derechos humanos de base. Vuestra voluntad de usar vuestras voces en un esfuerzo coordinado y unido para ayudarme a conseguir mi libertad da a todas las personas del mundo una razón para mantener la esperanza contra la injusticia.
Continue reading El Jueves, 6 De Febrero Y El Sábado, 8, Concentraciones En Barcelona Por La Libertad De Leonard Peltier