VOLVER A LA TIERRA anarchistų chebrytė iš Čilės keliauja po Europą su prezentacija: Anarchism in Chile: diversity and conflicts
“overview of past and present of anarchism in Chile, its diversity and conflict, linked with feminist movements and indigenous struggles historically and nowadays”
Prezentacija nemokama, bus renkamos aukos chebrytei iš Čilės , kad nusigautu iki Minsko.
|vno|XI20|anarchija tavo mieste|

- 2016-05-07 21:00
BUNDOLO [fin] hardcorepunk
SMÅSTADSLIV [fin] hardcorepunk
TURETO SINDROMAS [vno] crackrocksteady
|xixx|vno|punk routine|

VISCERA TRAIL [israel] brutal death
INFESTATION [vno] slam brutal death
|vno|xi20|kaip visada|

Infoshop again open in Kaunas!
An infoshop has opened in Kaunas once more, not far from the centre, in quite a cosy space. At the moment there are about 400 books and a pile of zines on non-state, antiauthoritarian, feminist, LGBTQ*, antimilitarist politics, culture, and history, as well as on gender, class, and race, art and anti-art, there’s some fiction, too. Books and zines are available on loan for as long as you need to read them through.
Continue reading Infokrautuvė/Infoshop Kaunas →

Hey friends! We are now planing a european PUNK THREAT TOUR gonna held in the middle of December. If you have any contacts or an opportunity to help us with gigs on this dates and places please write in PM or mail to: rvan@riseup.net
We are 5 people (maybe gonna be more) we need money for gas and renting van, vegan food/drinks and sleeping places.
Continue reading PUNK THREAT TOUR →

On Saturday, June 27, the Green House (Žalias Namas) squat/social centre in Kaunas was evicted. It had operated during the past half year in one of the abandoned wooden houses (which happened to be green).
While a couple of activists and guests were preparing dinner at the centre, a person responsible for the project of demolishing the house came and ordered them to move out. When the order wasn’t immediately obeyed, he called the police. The squatters were ordered to move out within a day or face legal prosecution. Soon the police came again and shortened the term: you’re on other peoples’ property and have to start moving now or be arrested. This time, due to the low number of people present, they started abandoning the house. The owner promised to keep an eye on the place afterwards and ensure that no one else is able to get in.
Continue reading Kaunas (Lithuania): Eviction of Green House →

:PARTiYA | DESTROYERS::: [2 bands!]: 05.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Belarus, Brest 06.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Lublin / Rzeszow 08.09.2015 [???] Romania, Cluj Napoca 09.09.2015 Romania, Bucharest, tba 10.09.2015 [???] Romania, Timisoara 11.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Slovakia / Hungary / Austria 12.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Nurnberg :::PARTiYA | DESTROYERS | HUMAN COMPOST::: [3 bands!]: 13.09.2015 Germany, Giessen, «AK47» squat 14.09.2015 Germany, Dresden, «Chemiefabrik» 15.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Wroclaw 16.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Warsaw 17.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Lithuania, Vilnius 18.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Belarus, Grodno 19.09.2015 Belarus, Minsk, tba :::HUMAN COMPOST::: [1 band!]: 20.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Krakow 21.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Czech rep., Prague 22.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Munchen 23.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Switzerland, Geneva !!!05-12.09.2015 we are 9 people from PARTiYA + DESTROYERS (2 bands) and driver. !!!13-19.09.2015 we are 14 people from PARTiYA + DESTROYERS + HUMAN COMPOST We would like to get some money as we need to pay for roads and petrol and we need some food, drinks and sleeping places. Send your answers on the e-mails: okpunkrock@gmail.com – Mysh | PARTiYA tankerpunx@hotmail.com – Steph | HUMAN COMPOST Please, repost this message to friends who can help us. Greetings and thanks in advance! Hope to see you soon! PARTiYA | DESTROYERS | HUMAN COMPOST
DESTROYERS – punk-hardcore from Belarus: www.destroyersminsk.bandcamp.com/album/fuckem-all-2013
HUMAN COMPOST – metal crust punk from France: www.humancompost.free.fr www.humancompostcrust.bandcamp.com

Kaunas Karnival – du 1er au 4 mai
Actions de rue, raves, ateliers, discussions
Le Kaunas Karnival est une pas-vraiment-fête-mais-pas-vraiment-conférence-non-plus. Les squatters, activistes politiques et toutes autres personnes radicales d’Europe de l’est (et d’ailleurs) sont invitées à participer à quatre jours d’actions de rue, de partage de savoirs et de construction de réseaux. Le but principal de ce rassemblement est d’échanger des connaissances entre collectifs Europe centrale et de l’est à propos d’actions radicales, comme la pratique du squat et l’organisation de mouvements, et d’établir une base commune pour de futures coopérations. Le programme du Kaunas Karnival est disponible ici, en anglais. Tout aura lieu à Kaunas, en Lituanie, entre le 1er et le 4 mai.
Continue reading Kaunas (Lituanie): festival intersquat pour militant-e-s et squatteur-euse-s d’Europe centrale et de l’est, du 1er au 4 mai 2015 →

MAD DIESEL [nyc] powerviolence grind
LORDS OF DEATH [nyc] hc crust punk
LED BY FEAR [ru] raw crust punk
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