Tag Archives: MA



WHAT: Equal Fest is a DIY feminist punk festival seeking to promote gender equality and female/trans/non-binary participation in music and activism, while raising money for organisations related to gender oppression and cis/trans women’s struggles. We seek to be a socially positive force for change, working within the punk and DIY community bringing focus to all forms of gender oppression: sexism, misogyny, trans misogyny, cissexism, transphobia and binarism. Bringing feminists from all walks of life together, we believe supporting and creating a more diverse and inclusive music scene can be revolutionary.
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Wreck N Roll Winter Ball (London)


22 november 2014

Scrap Records and Church of Punk Benefit gig for Josie with
Headjam, Unexpected Items In The Baggage Area (ex Crowzone), The Skraelings, Flak, Buff (ex 2000DS), Different Mood(anarcho reggae), Larcatillia( mad voodoo shit from Wales), Poetic Justice (Cardiff punx) ,Yoghurt Weavers, Mad Dog Collective, Rach Speakeasy, Louise PlusOne,Torrie Crow, DJ Wendy and Duncan Disorderly. DJ.’s VJsand stalls. Reknaw & Conscious Muzik Radio Sound systems More stuff TBC Tickets £7 advance £10 on door. Phone us for tickets on number below or email mark@scraprecords.com. FANCY DRESS.

TREKKING: (Piemonte) Oulx – Vazon e ritorno


(Un tratto di ampia mulattiera verso Vazon)

Domenica, complice una giornata di sole dopo vari giorni di pioggia incessante abbiamo deciso di sgranchirci le gambe. L’idea era quella di fare una passeggiata non particolarmente impegnativa, turistica. Abbiamo quindi deciso di Spostarsi in auto verso Oulx, un comune dell’alta Valle di Susa, per poi proseguire a mezzo sentiero, verso Vazon, una delle piccole borgate montane che si trovano da queste parti.

Partenza: Oulx (1100 Mt)

Arrivo: Vazon (1650 Mt)

Dislivello: 550 Mt in salita ed in discesa.

Tempo di percorrenza circa 3,5 ore andata e ritorno, per un totale di 8 Km.

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