Tag Archives: Maziotis Nikos

“Dias de Memoria y Lucha – Una conversación con Lucha Revolucionaria”


Algunas palabras sobre la edición

El colectivo de traducción Flying Theory, desde Tesalónica, ha publicado un libreto con la traducción de las jornadas organizadas por la asamblea de solidaridad con el caso de Lucha Revolucionaria celebradas en Atenas en Marzo del 2012. En los dos enlaces podréis descargar el PDF: 1, 2
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Written declaration to the court by Nikos Maziotis, member (en/gr)of Revolutionary Struggle – October 24th, 2011



This trial is a political trial in which revolutionaries are judged, who chose armed struggle to fight for the overthrow of capitalism and the State, the overthrow of the criminal regime that you, as judges, defend.
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Political letter to society (2010)


by Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis, Kostas Gournas

29 April 2010

We undertake political responsibility for our participation in Revolutionary Struggle [Epanastatikos Agonas]. We declare that comrade Lambros Foundas, who died in Dafni on 10 March 2010 after a battle with the police, also participated in Revolutionary Struggle. The battle was part of the subversive project decided on collectively by Revolutionary Struggle. It was a battle for revolution and freedom.
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