It’s been about four months since the completion of the campaign of Black December . The subversive experience of Black December and the development of the frequent anarchist action were a launch pad of formations and discussions aiming at the reconstruction of the anarchist methodologies in their informal forms. The actions with reference to the Black December are continuing up to today while discussion cycles both inside and outside of prisons have reached a number of conclusions, proposals and views which have as a common benchmark the desire for escalation of our retaliation against the bodies of authority.
Continue reading Greece: Communique from Nikos Romanos for “Fuck Nations, Squat the World”
Tag Archives: Nikos Romanos
A la mierda las naciones, Okupa el mundo (Fuck Nations, Squat the World)
A la mierda las naciones, Okupa el mundo.
[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde Insurrection News]
La forma de entender una okupación, fue, es y debe seguir siendo la de una herramienta poderosa en manos de lxs compañerxs que las rodean.Esta herramienta está evolucionando a través del continuo espacio-tiempo, y por lo tanto creemos que es necesaria la presentación de un par de «puntos» históricos. La okupación, como infraestructura estable, hace su primera aparición en Grecia pero también en muchos otros países de Europa y más allá durante los 70″s.
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Grecia. Nikoz Romanos “Ataco, luego existo”
Ataco, luego existo…
“La propuesta se extendió, la insurrección se generalizó, algunxs individuxs la asumieron, lxs antagonistas actuaron y las manecillas del reloj se activaron: con distintas acciones que van desde barricadas, bloqueos, marchas, cierre de escuelas, detonaciones explosivas por doquier, incendios y más. A esto le llamamos el proyecto insurreccional, una conjugación de teoría-practica sobre el andar, una combinación entre el pensar, analizar, actuar y proyectar destruyendo.”
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“I attack, therefore I am” by imprisoned anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos
“The proposal unfolded, the rebellion was generalized, some people undertook to respond to the call, fighters were active and the clock started to move: with different activities ranging from roadblocks, blockades, marches, closing of schools, explosive attacks everywhere, arsons, and other acts. All was called forth by this insurrectionary project, a coupling of theory and practice in action, a convergence between thought, analysis, action and proposals for destruction.”
Continue reading “I attack, therefore I am” by imprisoned anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos
Appeal trial for the double bank robbery velvendo case. – Greece
Appeal trial for the velvendo case.
Our appeal trial for the Velvedo case was set for April 20th 2016
in the female wing of Koriddalos prisons. The first instance decision was made in October 2014,
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Grecia. “Réquiem por un viaje sin retorno” Palabras del compañero Nikos Romanos
Lo que voy a contar hoy tiene que ser considerado un testimonio apasionado en la memoria revolucionaria. El testimonio apasionado de un acontecimiento que para mí fue el detonante del inicio del ataque contra los palacios del Poder. Un evento que ha contribuido de manera decisiva a la construcción del punto de no retorno para aquellos que han tomado las armas y han llenado sus maletas con los sueños y esperanzas de un mundo de libertad; en una maleta puse mi odio, junto con algo de ropa y algunos recuerdos, para salir definitivamente de mi casa, el día antes de la redada de la policía que me quería llevar esposado a testificar en la corte de los esbirros-asesinos. Corté lazos con mi vida pasada y me uní a las filas de la lucha anarquista ilegal. A pesar de que sólo tenía 16 años, yo era muy consciente de mis actos y sabía que, a pesar de que mi calibre moral era mucho más alto que los hombres un poco ridículos que estaban en esa habitación, no era todavía el momento de decir todo lo que supuso para mi, no era el momento adecuado, y yo no estaba realmente preparado para asumir conscientemente esa carga histórica. Es por ello que he preferido guardar silencio y dedicarme a la guerra contra el poder, la misma guerra que, siete años después, me sigue pareciendo el lugar para la batalla, como un prisionero. Un peso histórico que he rehuido momentáneamente, pero nunca he evadido y que voy a tomar.
Continue reading Grecia. “Réquiem por un viaje sin retorno” Palabras del compañero Nikos Romanos
Korydallos Prison, Greece: Update on new repressions against CCF & Nikos Romanos
Yesterday on the 20th of January another sudden search was once again conducted inside the cells housing imprisoned members of the anarchist organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) as well as anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos at Section A of Korydallos Prison.
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[Prigioni greche] Nikos Romanos: “Requiem per un viaggio di non ritorno”
Qui di seguito il prigioniero anarchico Nikos Romanos fa un resoconto dei fatti che hanno preceduto l’assassinio di Alexandros Grigoropoulos il 6 dicembre 2008.
Ricevuto il 30 novembre 2015:
Requiem per un viaggio di non ritorno
Oggi parlerò di quello che dovrebbe essere considerata come un’autentica testimonianza dell’anima alla memoria rivoluzionaria. La testimonianza della mia anima a proposito di un incidente che è diventato il detonatore per l’intensificarsi dell’attacco armato ai palazzi d’inverno del Potere; un incidente che ha contribuito in maniera decisiva a creare un punto di non ritorno per chi ha preso le armi e riempito le valigie di sogni e speranza per un mondo di libertà. Anch’io ho preparato quella stessa valigia col mio odio, un po’ di vestiti e qualche souvenir, e ho lasciato per sempre casa mia [nell’aprile del 2010] un giorno prima che la polizia venisse a cercarmi, ammanettarmi e portarmi in tribunale per deporre al processo degli sbirri-assassini. Ho tagliato i ponti con la mia vita passata, e mi sono unito alle fila della lotta anarchica clandestina. Avevo sedici anni, ma ero pienamente consapevole delle mie azioni, e sebbene avessi una statura morale ben maggiore di quei/lle ridicol* smidollat* sedut* in aula, sapevo che il momento di dire tutto quello che andava detto non era ancora arrivato, non era il momento giusto, e non ero realmente pronto a liberarmi di un tale peso storico. Ecco perché ho preferito restare in silenzio e dedicarmi alla guerra contro il Potere, la stessa guerra in cui, sette anni dopo, mi ritrovo prigioniero, pur mantenendo la stessa posizione combattiva. Ora mi libero di questo peso storico, che ho temporaneamente evitato ma cui non ho mai rinunciato di occuparmi.
Continue reading [Prigioni greche] Nikos Romanos: “Requiem per un viaggio di non ritorno”
Melbourne, so-called Australia: Paint and sledgehammer attack against BAE Systems
In the final hours of December 2015 we attacked the offices of the defense contractor BAE Systems on River Boulevard in Richmond with paint and sledge hammers.
BAE Systems make billions from war and their technology is responsible for countless civilian deaths worldwide.
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[Greek prisons] Nikos Romanos: “Requiem for a Journey of No Return”
in PDF
Below, anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos gives his account of what preceded the assassination of Alexandros Grigoropoulos on December 6th 2008.
Requiem for a Journey of No Return
Today, I will begin to speak about what should be imprinted as an authentic testimony of the soul to revolutionary memory. My own soul’s testimony concerning an incident which became the detonator for the intensification of the armed assault on the winter palaces of Power; an incident which contributed decisively to create a point of no return, for those who armed themselves and packed their suitcases with dreams and hopes for a world of freedom. I too packed such a suitcase with my hatred, along with a pair of clothes and some keepsakes, and left my home permanently [in April 2010] one day before the police came in looking for me, to handcuff me and take me to court for a testimony in the cops-murderers trial. I burned the bridges of my past life, and joined the ranks of clandestine anarchist struggle. I was then sixteen years old, but I was fully aware of my actions, and although I had a much higher moral stature than all these ridiculous weaklings who sat in that courtroom, I knew that the moment to say everything that needed to be said had not yet arrived, as it was neither the right time, nor was I really consciously ready to lift such a historical weight. That’s why I preferred to stay silent and devote myself to the war against Power, the same war in which, seven years later, I find myself held captive, yet holding the same combative position. I am now lifting this historical weight, which I temporarily avoided but never abnegated dealing with.
Continue reading [Greek prisons] Nikos Romanos: “Requiem for a Journey of No Return”